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ألعاب - ترفيه - تسلية - مسابقات - أسرار الألعاب منتدى يهتم بإمور الاعضاء كترفيه وتسليه فيما بينهم ومسابقات للاعضاء

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قديم منذ /03-13-2009, 05:11 AM   #1

غرام الورد غير متواجد حالياً

 رقم العضوية : 9514
 تاريخ التسجيل : 22 - 9 - 2008
 المشاركات : 4,309
 الحكمة المفضلة : United States
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افتراضي للعيبه الجامدين تحميل لعبة فيفا fifa 2009 كاملة

أنا : غرام الورد

للعيبه الجامدين تحميل لعبة فيفا fifa 2009 كاملة

للعيبه الجامدين تحميل لعبة فيفا fifa 2009 كاملة

للعيبه الجامدين تحميل لعبة فيفا fifa 2009 كاملة

09/2008 :..... RELEASE.DATE .. PROTECTION .......: Securom
1 :.......... DISC(S) .. GAME.TYPE ........: Sports

Step onto the pitch and play professional football your way in
fifa 09
Experience the most authentic football simulation EA Sports has delivered as
you live the fantasy of playing as a professional player and customise the
game to suit your style and ability

Powered by the third generation of the EA Sports football engine, fifa 09
features more than 250 core gameplay additions and enhancements that deliver
the most responsive, intelligent and realistic action ever for the series
Enjoy turning defenders with more controlled dribbling and ball control,
snapping off precision shots with improved first-time shooting mechanics and
firing beautifully timed passes with greater accuracy, placing the ball
exactly where you want it

With new player momentum physics the speed and weight of the player
determines everything from the distance of a slide tackle and the power of a
header to the severity of player collisions and the height of a player's
jump. Plus, players now behave according to their physical attributes with
larger, stronger players dominating collisions, battles for control of the
ball, and position in challenges for two player headers

Polished, Refined Gameplay: Featuring 250 additions and enhancements to
core gameplay, including new animation technology that creates more
responsive first-time shooting and passing, faster and more controlled
dribbling, and improved trapping, and new player momentum physics that
delivers realistic player collisions, authentic jostling for the ball, and
more variation in tackling
Custom Team Tactics: Become a first-team coach with the power to tune and
balance 11 tactical sliders for 140 attacking and 40 defending options
(more than 50,000 combinations) so CPU players and your team perform just
like the real-world team or how you think the real team should play. Save
your tactics to make strategic decisions to exploit your opponent's
weaknesses during the game. Plus, share your strategies with friends
Be A Pro - Seasons: Pick or create a professional player and test your
football ability over a four season campaign. Master a single position
and develop your skills - passing, shooting, positioning, marking - to
ultimately become a national legend
Improved Goalkeeper Intelligence: Goalkeepers position themselves more
intelligently, react to shots more realistically and recover from saves
Customised Controllers: Create your own bespoke controller configuration,
save it and even take it online effortlessly. Assign actions to the
buttons exactly how you like them for complete control

System Requirements:

Minimal system requirements:
Supported OS: Windows XP
Processor: Pentium 4 2.4 Ghz or *****alent
Memory: 1 GB
Graphics: 6600 Nvidia graphics card or ATI *****alent with support for Pixel Shader 3
DirectX Version: DirectX 9.0c
Sound: DirectX Compatible
Hard Drive: 4 GB

Recommended system requirements:
Supported OS: Windows XP / Vista
Processor: AMD or Intel Dual Core Processor
Memory: 2 GB
Graphics: 7800 Nvidia graphics card or ATI *****alent
DirectX Version: DirectX 9.0c
Sound: DirectX Compatible
Hard Drive: 4 GB

1. Unrar
2. Burn or mount the image
3. Install the game. When prompted use the keygen in the /Crack dir on the
disc or one of the following keys


4. Copy over the cracked ******* located in the /Crack dir on the disc to
your installation directory.
5. Play the game

للعيبه الجامدين تحميل لعبة فيفا fifa 2009 كاملة




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تقرير Fifa 2009 PS2 رابط 1 يدعم برامج التحميل والاستكمال .. حمل انسخ والعب غرام الورد ألعاب - ترفيه - تسلية - مسابقات - أسرار الألعاب 1 04-26-2009 04:54 PM
Fifa 2009 غرام الورد ألعاب - ترفيه - تسلية - مسابقات - أسرار الألعاب 0 02-22-2009 03:21 AM
خبــر عاااااااااجل لعبة فيفا 2009 غرام الورد ألعاب - ترفيه - تسلية - مسابقات - أسرار الألعاب 0 09-24-2008 06:00 AM

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