My name is Mrs. Asma al-Assad , the wife of Syrian President Bashar Assad. As i expect you are already aware of the war going on here in my country (Syria). I am a British-Syrian. I have contacted you about some money which i have saved and kept secretly before the occurrence of the war. As everything is going now,my husband and I are in a very hopeless situation, we have both been banned from traveling to any EU country, non of us can leave the country or even move freely at all so it is not certain that everything will be resolved. All my assets has also been frozen so i am not hoping to survive this, that is why I have planned to make use of the money i saved for the purpose of charity to the poor and needy.
In this case, i need a honest person who i can connect with my lawyer in UK to help me achieve my aim of using the money to charity unfailingly.
Kindly get back to me soon on my personal email address (تم حذف الإيميل لأن عرضه مخالف لشروط المنتدى) to let me know if you are willing to help me out.