قصص - روايات - حكاياتلطرح القصص والروايات الخيالية و الحقيقه و الكتابات الخاصة " ذات العبرة و الفائدة ",
القصص والروايات قصص واقعية و روايات - قصص واقعية، قصص عربية، قصص أطفال، قصص حب، قصص غراميه، قصة قصيره، قصة طويلة قصص روايات ادربيه طويله قصص واقعيه قصص روايات قصص حب قصص رومانسيه روايات رومنسيه قصص واقعيه قصص و روايات حب ,
Gulliver left his school when he was seventeen years old, because his father could not pay after that, so he went on the ship ''Antelope'' which was sailing under captain Pritchard to the south seas. One day they were sailing but suddenly a great wind carried them to the wrong way and twelve of them dead. The wind turned the ship over. The wind and the water carried Gulliver far away.He reached a beached and decided to take some rest by sleeping. When he woke up he saw tiny people. One of them came near of Gulliver and raised up his eyes and said '' Hekinah degul '' then others answered ' Hekinah degul nekinah' They were fear. Gulliver tried to catch one of the men but he could not, he felt that some thing like needles pricking his body , it was arrows. He put his hand on his eyes and decided to lie until the night. Gulliver saw a man was making a wooden table, when the it became ready , one man stood upon it . He said some thing with strange words and he was moving his hand , so Gulliver under stood from the voice and the hand that they will not kill him if he did what ever they ordered. Gulliver raised up his hand to say that he will do and but his hand on his mouth to show that he is hungry. The king heard about Gulliver , he brought food and Gulliver ate it so quickly and so much. He felt thirsty and they brought two great pot of milk, Gulliver asked for more milk but Gulliver drank all the milk in the country. The people became very happy, so they sang and danced on Gulliver’s body. One man walked up to Gulliver’s face and showed him a letter from the king. The king told the men to carry Gulliver. They gave Gulliver food and drinks with sleeping – powder, he slept. Nine hundred men carried Gulliver and put him on a big cart , and five hundred horses pulled the cart to the city. When they reached the city , they gave Gulliver a house which was the biggest , it was a church. They tied Gulliver with many strange strings , so he couldn’t get away. The king ordered the royal tailor to make new cloths for Gulliver. The people came to see the most giant person, they taught Gulliver their language , they became his friends. He told them nice stories. One day he saw a huge boat , all people helped Gulliver to repaired the boat. When the boat became ready , the king gave him food and drinks. Finally, Gulliver reached his home , he was very pleased and he did not stop his travels.