عرضت القناة التاسعة للتلفزيون الاسترالي امس خبر مثير للغاية وهو
اكتشاف باحثون
استراليون لعلاج السكري 2 الذي يمثل انفراجة عظيمة لمرضى
السكري حسب وصف استاذ مرض
السكري بجامعة ميلبورن. وساعرض لكم هنا ملخص عن البحث وانقل البحث كما هو من القناة التاسعة بالانجليزي:
اكتشاف دواء حاسم لعلاج السكري 2 من قبل علماء استراليون بعد نجاحهم بعكس السكري لدى الفئران
الاكتشاف سيؤدي الى علاج الملائين من الناس المصابين بالسكري 2. فقد نجح العلماء الاستراليون بالتعاون مع بعض العلماء من دول اخرى من تخليق جسيمات مضادة والتي نجحت في علاج
السكري عند الفئران. هذا اضافة الى وقف الاعراض المسببة للمرض مثل السمنة كما نجحوا في منع الاصابة بمرض
السكري 2. والدواء هو عبارة عن جسم مضاد يسمى 2h10 والذي له القدرة على منع تقدم مرض
السكري 2 في الفئران.
Drug hope for type 2 diabetes
A new drug could potentially be developed to treat type 2 diabetes after Australian and international scientists successfully reversed the disease in mice.
The development could lead to a new treatment for the millions of people affected by the disease, researchers said.
Australian vaccine maker CSL developed a drug, known as 2H10, that reversed the progression of type 2 diabetes in animal models.
"The results seen in these laboratory studies are very promising for the millions of people around the world who are affected by type 2 diabetes," said CSL's senior vice president of research, Dr Andrew Nash.
"This disease is reaching epidemic proportions and is a significant public health burden."
Dr Nash said scientists were hopeful the antibody-based drug developed and tested with an international team from the Karolinska Institute in Sweden would ultimately lead to a new treatment for people with diabetes.
The drug works by blocking a protein called Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor B (VEGF-B).
Blocking the protein's signalling function prevents fat from accumulating in the wrong places, including muscles and the heart.
Blood glucose is restored to normal levels as the tissues are able to respond again to insulin.
In type 2 diabetes, the cells fail to respond properly to insulin, leading to high blood sugar levels.
The protein VEGF-4 was discovered by the Swedish scientists led by Professor Ulf Eriksson in 1995.
"The VEGF-B project has been a lengthy sojourn in the wilderness, but now we're making one important discovery after the other," Prof Eriksson said.
The latest findings, published in the journal Nature this week, showed that the drug prevented the development and progression of type 2 diabetes in mice who had the disease as a result of being fed a high fat diet.
CSL will next consider testing the therapy in people with type 2 diabetes and those at risk of developing the disease.