Explore a fully-realized Sanctuary – the living, breathing gothic fantasy world of Diablo III rendered in gorgeous 3D.
Battle the unholy forces of the Burning Hells with all-new character classes like the otherworldly Witch Doctor, or with re-imagined warriors from Diablo’s past: such as the fierce Barbarian.
Rain Hell on your enemies wielding the interactive environment as a weapon: lay cunning traps, turn destructible objects against your foes, and use environmental obstacles to your advan***e – all powered by the Havoc physics system.
Experience the intensity of multiplayer Diablo III over an all-new, wickedly-enhanced Battle.net platform with numerous enhancements to make connecting with your friends easier – and cooperative gameplay more fun.
Release Date: May 15, 2012
M for Mature: Blood and Gore, Violence
Genre: Third-Person Action
Publisher: Blizzard Entertainment
Developer: Blizzard Entertainment
صور اللعبة:
فيديو: http://youtu.be/HEvThjiE038
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