“Seaside Café” is an Animated Wallpaper Multimedia devoted to the nature theme. In the resort city Manzanillo, Mexico, near the very Seaside of the Pacific Ocean there is a café named “La Puesta Carinosa” which means “Tender Sunset”. Sitting at the table in this cozy café you realize that the Pacific Ocean received its name for some reason: soporific whisper of the waves and mindbending cawk of the gulls with every minute submerge you deeper and deeper into the atmosphere of coziness, warmth and calmness. Damp marine wind brings tender coolness and bright red marine sunset leaves in the soul incomparable feeling which will beck you again and again in this corner of the world. Install Animated Wallpaper “Seaside Café” and for a moment you will find yourself in Manzanillo, you will stay alone with nature and have a rest from everyday fuss sitting at the table in the cozy Seaside café “La Puesta Carinosa”.