خلفية من نسج الطبيعة الخلابة والجذابة مميزة جدا ورائعة بكل معنى الكلمة لن تندم اذا قمت بتجربتها تشاهد زهور عباد الشمس وهي تتفتح وتتجه نحو الشمس براقة جدا وكأن الشمس نزلت على الارض
اضغط هنــــــا
“Sunflowers” is an Animated Wallpaper Multimedia devoted to the Nature theme. It is well-known that a sunflower was named so because it opens its leaves towards the sun, turning to the sun throughout the day and closing in the evening. Install Animated Wallpaper “Sunflowers” and watch how a whole field of Sunflowers opened the bright yellow leaves and everything around became so illuminated that it can even seem that the sun has descended on the ground!