خلفية متحركة جميلة من نسق الطبيعة الخيالية وأصواتها الجذابة
لا تحتوي أي مظهر من مظاهر الحضارة الحديثة فتبدو وكأنها مكان لم يدخله انسان
يعطيها تميز واناقة غير محدودة
أنصحك بتجريب هذه الخلفية
“The Calm Lake” is an Animated Wallpaper Multimedia devoted to the nature theme. How do you think why exactly this Lake seems so Calm and quiet? It is like that because everything around the Lake looks like a landscape from some fairy cartoon, or it is like that because there are no signs of civilization and everything is preserved in its primeval form? Install Animated Wallpaper “The Calm Lake” and you will have an opportunity to think about this issue!