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العودة   منتديات شمس الحب > «®™§¤§ منتــديات شمس الحب الآداريــــة §¤§™®» > سلة المحذوفات والمواضيع المكررة

سلة المحذوفات والمواضيع المكررة اي موضوع مكرر ومهيء للحذف تجده هنا

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قديم منذ /12-14-2014, 02:37 PM   #1

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الصورة الرمزية ذكرى

ذكرى غير متواجد حالياً

 رقم العضوية : 9524
 تاريخ التسجيل : 23 - 9 - 2008
 المشاركات : 7,394
 الحكمة المفضلة : United States
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افتراضي Adobe After Effects CC 2014 v13.2.0 Multilingual (Mac OSX) (14.12.2014)

أنا : ذكرى

Adobe After Effects CC 2014 v13.2.0 Multilingual (Mac OSX) (14.12.2014)

Adobe After Effects CC 2014 13 software is the industry-leading solution for creating sophisticated motion graphics and cinematic visual effects. Transform moving images for delivery to theaters, living rooms, personal computers, and mobile devices.A live 3D pipeline with Cinema 4D means you can import 3D objects and use them in 3D scenes in After Effects. No re-rendering. No waiting. Just more creating.

What's new in version 13.0:

Keying effects
Preserve fine detail when keying compressed or poorly shot blue-screen or green-screen foo***e. Use the Advanced Spill Suppressor to control the amount of green spill left in green-screen foo***e.

Live **** Templates for Premiere Pro
Package your After Effects compositions as Live **** templates so Premiere Pro editors can change the **** without changing the **** color, motion, or lower-third background.

Flexible masking options and Premiere Pro Interchange
Use masks to apply Effects to specific areas of your compositions - no need for additional adjustment or track matte layers - and blend each effect individually into the original layer. Import masks from Premiere Pro via Dynamic Link for further refinement.

Kuler integration
Create color themes using the Adobe Kuler app on your iPhone or in your browser, and then sync your swatches to After Effects for use in your compositions.

Mercury Transmit
Get full-screen previews of your composites on a separate monitor. Send previews over interfaces like HDMI from a graphics card without additional hardware.

Media Browser enhancements
Navigate your media locally or across a network via Adobe Anywhere, and access complex media types like P2 and XDCAM as media, not as nested folders.

Typekit Integration
Access a variety of fonts from Typekit for immediate use in your After Effects projects.

Panel Integration support
Find and install plug-ins, extensions, training media, and other ******* via After Effects panels created by the developer community.

And so much more
Also includes: Faster performance in the Warp Stabilizer VFX effect; the ability to import Sony RAW foo***e from F5, F55, and F65 cameras; ******ing access to render settings and output module settings; and more.

Languages: German, English, Italian, Spanish, French, Russian, Portuguese, Japanese, Chinese, Korean


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الموضوع الأصلي: Adobe After Effects CC 2014 v13.2.0 Multilingual (Mac OSX) (14.12.2014) || الكاتب: ذكرى || المصدر: منتديات

شمس الحب

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Adobe After Effects CC 2014 v13>2>0 Multilingual (Mac OSX) (14>12>2014)

آخــر مواضيعـى » رابط التقديم للحصول على مكافاة العاطلين,موقع تقديم العاطلين,موقع وزارة العمل
» تحميل ماسنجر 9 برابط مباشر شغال 100%,ماسنجر تسعة,تحميل الماسنجر الجديد
» مطعم في نيويورك للعراة فقط (صور عراة) والله حالة
» نور دربي mp3 انشودة عبدالمجيد الفوزان استماع تحميل,فيديو كليب نور دربي
» وفاة الفنان ناصر القصبي,مقتل الفنان ناصر القصبي,وفاة ناصر القصبي مقتولا/إشاعة منتشرة

ياحبيبي كل شيء بقضاء
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