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قديم منذ /07-16-2009, 08:20 AM   #1

غرام الورد غير متواجد حالياً

 رقم العضوية : 9514
 تاريخ التسجيل : 22 - 9 - 2008
 المشاركات : 4,309
 الحكمة المفضلة : United States
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افتراضي اللعبه الراااااااااااائعه شديده المهاره Diabolik

أنا : غرام الورد

اللعبه الراااااااااااائعه شديده المهاره Diabolik

Diabolik: The Original Sin ( 2009/ENG/RePack

اللعبه الراااااااااااائعه شديده المهاره Diabolik

Platform: PC
Language: English
Size: 1 Gb

This is a brilliant piece of rare in recent years, the genre of stealth-adventure, has incorporated all the required attributes of a Hollywood blockbuster - dizzying stunts and chases on expensive cars, entertainment fights and theft with the use of modern technology. Sustained in perfect style comic about spyware and audacious crimes, the game combines the dynamics of fights and tense moments of calm, when the hero steals the invisible shadow behind unsuspecting enemies. Down to detail the plot develops quite unexpected way, was carried away after a game and giving life and realistic.

Anonymous phone call triggered an emergency stop a train carrying a valuable cargo. Unknown reported the accident on the way ... A few minutes later, it became clear that an audacious and brilliantly planned robbery. Police Inspector perplexedly told journalists that the container was stolen from a protected only little-known painting, which has no great value. The government remained in disarray, and only one person knew what happened in reality ... A few days ago, had been kidnapped his beloved - a girl named Eve. Big boss is the criminal world - all-Baron - ordered to steal a picture of a train, threatening to deal with the prisoner. He has simply had no choice ... The action was like clockwork, without unforeseen complications, although the wagon and guarded by police. But the promised release of Eve, as soon as the canvas will be delivered to the customer, of course, could not believe it. He therefore attached to the tiny picture frame Tracker, which was to withdraw to the place where the girl was hiding. But soon the signal was gone ...

Minimum system requirements:
Windows XP SP2 / Windows Vista
Pentium IV 3 GHz,
1024 MB RAM (2048 MB for Windows Vista),
256 MB Directx 9 compatible 3D video card (GeForce 6800 level and above, except for embedded graphics)
3 Gb of free hard disk space,
DirectX 9-compatible sound card
DVD-ROM Keyboard, Mouse, DirectX 9.0c

اللعبه الراااااااااااائعه شديده المهاره Diabolik

اللعبه الراااااااااااائعه شديده المهاره Diabolik

اللعبه الراااااااااااائعه شديده المهاره Diabolik

اللعبه الراااااااااااائعه شديده المهاره Diabolik








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