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قديم منذ /04-09-2009, 12:09 PM   #1

غرام الورد غير متواجد حالياً

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افتراضي How to increase your earnings through Google AdSense in the scientific

أنا : غرام الورد

How to increase your earnings through google adsense in the scientific

How to increase your earnings through google adsense in the scientific

-------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------

Dear Brothers .. Peace be upon you and God's mercy and blessings

In fact, there are 3 ways to increase the chance of Akedzabk Odsens google clicks and increase your income ..

The process is not easy and not fast .. I mean, Ibgalk take effort, patience and control to your permanent Adsens ..

The first point: the selection of keywords to gain more points!!
I think, easy, and everyone knows but what some people do not know .. Keywords that are necessary for the approval of the ******* of the page, I mean, what is the ******* of the "development sites" and you choose the keywords, "Tourism and travel!"
Is the solution?? There are two solutions:
1 - Create a site from scratch, relying on higher-priced search terms .. Means keywords are determined by the ******* of your site.
2 - choose the higher-priced search terms appropriate to the ******* of your site .. I mean, your site is already in charge of the development of your site to search for keywords related to the development of sites to be the highest price.
You can use Keyword Elite to search for keywords with a high rate or through this site, which provides the service of higher-priced search terms, but it is not free:
Powerful Keyword Research Tool for SEM, PPC and Adsense – Keyword Country

The second point: the choice of site ads Odsens!!
This, unfortunately most of the Arabic sites Should Odsens place ads in the right place, a good example of the precursors because Odsens ads placed in the worst possible place to put it online!! Softbank change if the precursors place ads from google Odsens Alfotr to the bottom of the last response in the subject will be a large number of clicks. (And I apologize for being uncouth, but this is the truth)
Following figure shows the best places to put google Odsens the square of the Forum, where orange was the place more Gmqa receipt of more clicks, and the more color, or left open, such as the Forum was the place Wouter less to gain clicks.

increase your earnings through Google AdSense scientific
Well .. Nsaihi these three are the best place in the declarations:

First: Alellouko side (just as does the soft-off).

Second: after the end of the ******* of the page directly, and not the end of the page (Alfotr).
Well, if you do not take advertising forum in Alfotr, but placed under another response the subject, or topic in another section, and so on with all the pages of the site.

Third: in the middle of overlapping ******* in two ways:
1 - Develop code Bnr ads (60 × 468) between the information ******* of the page **** of the page, as follows:
First line: the title of the article and the writer and the date of writing, evaluation and visits
The second line code: Odsens
google ads
Third line: the **** *******
2 - Develop code box ads (336 × 280) in the middle of the **** ******* of the page.
I can not explicitly explained, so see for yourself how the development of this site Odsens ads are intertwined with the **** ******* of the page:
How to Protect Your Ferrari from Theft

Final note: We have demonstrated by the experience of all to use the google service Odsens square vertical Declaration "Skyscraper" and his failure to be less beneficial to the square ad clicks, for that golden piece of advice, focused on the ads only rectangular and square!!

The third point: the selection of the appearance of google ads box Odsens
These are the most important and most dangerous point of the topic, see the following example:
Free Tutorials - From Photoshop & *** Development to Investing & Home Improvement Tutorials
Have you noticed the latest list of 10 lessons on the site?? Have you noticed the first result?? Have you noticed it the google box and not the title of the lesson?!?
In fact, this method of professional judges to determine the appearance of ads to be part of the ******* of the page and not a declaration!! For the work of such a movement must be an expert in the language of CSS.
Herein lies the skill and experience and art, how to make the box fully integrated into Google's ads are full page with the ******* so that visitors can distinguish it easily from the rest of the site page *******, which raises the clickthrough rate for very much!!

Therefore draw the 4 important points:

1 - Make the background of the Declaration box background color of the same page.
2 - do not use the limits of the box never Declaration, and by making the color of the border the same color of the background of the page Vtakhtvi border.
3 - Use the same fonts and colors of links in the page and box advertising.
4 - Try to make the type and size of the line of the page very similar to the type and size of the line of the Declaration of the box that you can not currently change the type and size of Google's ads.

Final note: does not require that these steps apply to all sites, so stated at the beginning of the topic that needs filling, effort and patience and permanent observer of your Adsens ..

Very important:
- Make a separate box for each ad.
- Make several channels in different places of the page.
- Make several forms of each ad.
- Leave the box all the ad two or three weeks, and then compare the results between the clicks of each channel and select the top 3 channels of income and adopted at your site.
Thus, they have achieved the highest possible revenue from google ads Odsens, and discovered that the most appropriate way to put ads on your site accurate and scientific manner, without any violation of the laws and program policies Odsens Google.

- Do not put more than 3 ad boxes on a page, because that is contrary to the laws of Odsens Google.
- Did not in any way or encourage site visitors to click on ads.
- Do not place google ads in the square-free pages of ******* at all.
- Never put pressure on your ads under any circumstances.
- Do not send code by e-mail ads to anyone hosting.
This is what I have .. God is the one I was, but missed the record is the devil ..
I wish you all success, and tried to follow these instructions and you will find the difference, God and me Stdon

شمس الحب

تستطيع المشاركة هنا والرد على الموضوع ومشاركة رأيك عبر حسابك في الفيس بوك

How to increase your earnings through Google AdSense in the scientific adsense earnings google increase scientific

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adsense, earnings, google, increase, scientific

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