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Ashampoo Movie Shrink & Burn 2 2.21 اخر صيحة في التعامل مع الافلام
هاذا البرنامج Ashampoo Movie Shrink & Burn الرائع يقوم بضغط ونسخ افلام على اقراص مدمجة او دي في دي يستطيع هاذا البرنامج الرائع ضغط افلامك بدون أي ضرر في نقاوة ألوان ويعتبر أحد اروع برامج في ضغظ ونسخ ويمكنك ضغط اي ملف فيديو ويتميز البرنامج بضغط العالي والسرعة العالية انتا يمكنك أن تقوم بأختيار كيف يكون حجم الفيديو وتستطيع تعديل من خصائص البرنامج وأختيار نوعية الضغط ومن مميزات البرنامج . تحويل انساق الفيديو وضغطه .تشغيل صيغ دي في دي .نسخ الأفلام على قرص مدمج او دي في دي .تستطيع ان تقوم بفصل وتقسيم افلامك على اقراص متعددة .يدعم اغلب صيغ الفيديو المعروفة XVid/DivX AVIs, MPEG-1, MPEG-2, QuickTime, WMV, Video CDs, Super Video CDs, DivX/Xvid CDs
برنامج عملاق يستحق التحميل والتجربة
Ashampoo Movie Shrink BurnConvert, compress and
Burn your
Movie files to CDs or DVDsHas it ever happened to you? You have a
Movie on your hard drive and want to send a copy to a friend or relative - but it wont fit on a CD! And maybe you also want to play that CD with your Home DVD-Player, but the
Movie has an incompatible format?
Ashampoo Movie Shrink & Burn 2 is an easy solution for this problemMovie
Shrink & Burn was developed forMovies that you want to watch with your DVD-Player or your PDA/Handheld PCMovies that dont fit on one CDMovie trailersRecordings of TV seriesHoliday movies made with your digital camcorderArchiving recordings from your surveillance cameraWith
Ashampoo Movie Shrink & Burn 2 you simply enter the target output size and format for your video file and tell the program tostore it on your hard disk or
Burn it directly to a CD It can read and compress any video file that you can open with the Windows® Media Player, as well as MPEG-2 VOB files and QuickTime filesAshampoo
Movie Shrink can convert your file into a variety of formats DivX/XVid, MPEG-1, MPEG-2, QuickTime and Windows Media Video 9 By using high-end video technology the program can achieve superlative quality even with small file sizesHere are some key features of
Ashampoo Movie Shrink BurnConvert and compress your existing
Movie files into a selection of formats that can be played on PDAs and/or Handhelds!Formats for home DVD players are also available!Burn your
Movie files to CDs supports Video CDs, Super Video CDs, DivX/Xvid CDs and normal file CDs!Let the program automatically split your movies to multiple CDs if they are too big!Supports XVid/DivX AVIs, MPEG-1, MPEG-2, QuickTime, WMV, Video CDs, Super Video CDs, DivX/Xvid CDs!Convert/shrink unencrypted VOB files into smaller high-quality formats!RequirementsGraphic adapter minresolution 640 x 480 with at least 256 colors, CD-Writer if you want to
Burn your movies to CD128 MB RAM, Hard Disk Space 10 MB minimumInternet Explorer 40 or higher requiredLimitations10 days trial or an extended 30-day trial if you register
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