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قديم منذ /03-24-2009, 02:29 PM   #1

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افتراضي Don't Reinvent the Wheel,Do's and Don'ts of Google Adsense

أنا : ذكرى

do's and don'ts of google adsense
In order to make money with Adsense, it's important to follow some tried and true suggestions that really work. At the same time, be sure to modify them to suit the type of *** site or audience that you are seeking.

In addition to the general rules published by Google, you should be aware of the common sense approach to any advertising medium. In order to make money with Adsense, for example, you need to comply with the google directive that mandates that you create *** sites that sell products, not just *** sites that sell google ads. In other words, with Google, ******* is king. However, unless you have a ***site that is designed for shock value, red type fonts on a black background is going to be difficult to read. Set your general layout and appearance to blend with the theme of your *** pages.

Do follow the Rules

As with any action, in order to make money with Adsense, you need to understand and follow the rules that have been published about using Adsense. Do take the time to read and fully comprehend what you are doing rather than wasting your time and efforts developing a *** site with associated adsense ads that is clearly in violation of the rules. Saying 'Click here to increase my adsense revenue' is a definite no-no according to the google rules. It is also a guaranteed way to turn off potential customers.

Do Concentrate on *******

Those publishers who make money with adsense are the ones who take care to provide *** pages that are rich in *******. They make certain that the ******* includes keywords and synonyms for the keywords that fit the subject and that are used in the proper manner to convey information. If your *** pages are those on a subject that you know a great deal about, you can compose the ******* yourself. If you aren't too certain about format, ask for professional help in optimizing the *******.

Don't Bite Off More Than You Can Chew

Some people who set out to make money with adsense have been led to believe that you can set up one *** site, place a few ads and within a matter of minutes, be earning income that will allow you to quit your day job and retire to Costa Rica. The reality is usually far different. However, don't make the mistake of thinking if one *** site is good, fifty would be better. Especially when you are learning the ropes, don't try to do too much at once. You will end up doing a less than satisfactory job on everything.

Don't reinvent the Wheel

Many good tutorials have been written about how to make money with Adsense. When you are just learning the ropes, take the time to understand why you are doing what you are doing. After you have mastered the basics, then you can tweak things to your heart's *******. You can certainly find new and different ways of doing almost anything, that's what the spirit of innovation is all about, but you will probably get off to a better start if you take time to do things the standard way at least to begin with. As long as you continue to study and learn new methods, your revenue will continue to keep pace.

Article Source: Free ******* Articles Online for Ezines and ***sites at ArticlePros.com pann
Posted by Zakariae at 5:20 AM 0 comments
Friday, March 20, 2009
Making google adsense Work For You
Google AdSense, is it the best thing since sliced bread? some obviously might beg to differ. The truth is whilst adsense has been a blessing to some, it has been a nightmare for others. Stories of people being banned for doing nothing are prevalent, but the question is can you really make money with google AdSense? The answer is yes, yes, and yes, and everyone can do it with some motivation and a goal in mind.

Building a blog/***site is one of the best way to get a "chunk" of those adsense bucks. When building a ***site/blog there are a couple of things to note

*******-Quality of your ******* obviously can't be underestimated. How do you get this *******? general knowledge, and as the saying goes, "everyone has a book waiting to come out" you just have to tap into it.
Appearance-Many people might beg to differ, but appearance does count. Natural "human instincts" if your blog looks great and everything is nicely organized then people will tend to come. Appearance is just the tip of the iceberg, but definitely adds to the equation.
Ad placement-According to google the best place to put ads is on top and on the left side, this is because people tend to notice that side first. Blending your ad is fairly important. One thing that doesn't work as well are skyscrapers. Skyscrapers are ads that normally on the sides and run along the sides. Nowadays people tend not to notice them, because they look really ,"cheesy". Research shows that ****/con****ual ads are clicked on three times more than the sky scrappers.
Building links- Building links is equally important, this is because search engines look at them as the popularity of your ***site. Aiming for high ranking ***sites and linking with them really helps your ***site to rank better with search engines.
Making money online can be as hard as making it offline, but as long as you believe in yourself you can do it. The key is finding a Niche(preferably something that isn't crowded) something you have a passion for, and willing to write about it.

Start making money online,fire your boss.

Article Source: Joseph Nhimura - EzineArticles.com Expert Author

Posted by Zakariae at 7:49 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
What is google adsense All About?
The above is the likely question on your mind and perhaps the reason for reading this article in the first place, if you are still new to the term "Google AdSense." Simply, google adsense is all about making money! You see, a few years ago, the owners of world's acclaimed best search engine, google Inc. began accepting adverts from marketers so they could place their adverts along side search results for easy visibility. Such adverts are placed on the right hand side of search results on the same page.

For instance, if you decide to search for the term "Google AdSense" on Google.com, you'll get two sets of result. The most obvious are always on the left hand side of the pages, called the "natural organic search results" in which there are listed links from where you will possibly get the answers you seek. However, on the right hand side of the search pages are the smaller listed ad links mostly in blue color called "AdWords".

AdWords are the ads placed on google by advertisers. If you click on them like any other visitor, you're linked to the advertiser's site, thereby creating easy traffic for them.

Because of the vast traffic advan***e it offers, so very many internet marketers got interested in the use of google AdWords to advertise their various products and services online. To satisfy them all, google invented the google AdSense. The concept that simply entail allowing interested ***site or blog site owners to display Google's clients ads on their ***sites and get paid for every click visitors make on the ads (of clients) by google as many times as they click!

Imagine this scenario. You get paid $1 for a click on your ***site. What if just 10 people click on your ad every day? That is $10 a day. Now imagine you have 10 of such sites. That's an incredible $100 a day - $3,000 a month. That is not too bad after all. It's a game of numbers!

The question is: How do you go about achieving this? The answer is simple. Get

1. A ***site or blog site

2. An adsense account and

3. Traffic

You can see that your job is simple and clear-cut; create a ***site/blog, get ads from Google, and get people to your site so they can click. With these in place, you can start making money with google adsense today! don't you think that this is rather a huge opportunity for you? So, what are you waiting for?

Achieve your dreams to make money with google AdSense!

Gideon Bankole is the founder of Unstopabbles International, an organization which empowers people to achieve their dreams. For related articles, visit Make Money with Google AdSense

Article Source: Gideon Bankole - EzineArticles.com Expert Author

Posted by Zakariae at 7:43 AM 0 comments
Sunday, February 15, 2009
Google AdSense: Earn Extra Cash on your ***site
If you are an Internet business owner then you are quite familiar with the power of advertising online. Perhaps you are advertising through google Adwords. google Adwords drives traffic to your ***site. You pay each time a person clicks on your google Adwords advertisement.

Did you know google also lets you make money by displaying advertisements on your ***site that are from other Internet businesses? google allows you to do this by participating in google AdSense. This has been an easy way for many Internet businesses to earn extra cash.

How does google adsense work? google adsense works from a different perspective. You sign up for a free account with Google. google allows you to place advertisements on your own ***site. If an Internet visitor clicks on this advertisement on your ***site then google will pay you money. This is one way ***masters can earn money from their ***site.

How do you put the google advertisements on your ***site? google will provide you with the html code.

What are the topics of the google advertisements on your ***site? google has code that will generate advertisements that relate to your ***site topic.

You can also post articles on your ***site that contain google adsense advertisements. You put the google adsense advertisement in the middle of the article. This prompts users to click on the google adsense advertisement as they are reading through your article. It is an efficient and effective way to earn money from google AdSense.

Where does google place the advertisements on the ***site? You specify the general location of the advertisements. A great area to place the google advertisements is along the right hand side of the screen. Why? The right hand side of the screen tends to attract the eyes of a ***site visitor.

Which keywords should I use? Some keywords cost more than others for the advertisers. Therefore, the amount you earn in google Advertisements can range from a few cents per click to several dollars per click.

The customer comes to your ***site through your google Adwords advertisements. Once the customer is at your ***site they are likely to click on more links. Therefore, you can pay for your google Adwords campaign through your google adsense campaign. For example, you may spend $1,000 in google Adwords, but you make $2,000 off of google AdSense.

Check out google adsense today. It is a simple way to earn extra cash and help pay for your advertising in google Adwords.

Article Source: Google AdSense: Earn Extra Cash on your ***site | A Affiliate Revenue Article
Posted by Zakariae at 10:14 AM 0 comments
Google AdSense: Pitfalls and Alternatives
Google AdSense, since its launch in mid-2003, has been a boon to ***-publishers world-wide, allowing them to display a wide-array of advertisements that are relevant to the ******* of the site.

And for each click on the advertisement made by a visitor, the ***-publisher is suitably compensated - from $0.01 to $1.00 and more per click. Several ***-publishers have joined this bandwagon and there are many individuals earning from $1000 to $5000/month, with the exceptional ones pulling in $15,000-$40,000/month.

There are many good information sites about succeeding with google adsense on the ***, and some excellent forums (***masterworld.com, digitalpoint.com to name the best).

There are however some open issues with google AdSense:

1. Click Fraud: Click Fraud occurs when some ***-publisher fraudulently clicks on advertisements displayed on his or her own ***-site, or automates this clicking process through a software program. Because of the increasing prevalence of this type of fraud, google has become stricter - and has inadvertently kicked some legitimate ***-publishers out of this program.

2. Ad Blocking: Some offices and similar work-environments are now actively blocking google adsense advertisements from showing on their browsers. google has responded with server side publishing of ads for some large ***-publishers. It is too early to tell if this trend of Ad Blocking will rise and seriously affect the number of impressions of google Ads and corresponding income potential for ***-publishers.

3. Poor Quality ***sites: Owing to the low barrier of entry for ***-publishers to display adsense advertisements, several poor quality ***sites now freely display google ads. This does not always please the advertisers, especially if their advertisements show up on adult or hate sites. The complaints have been consistent, but so far no particular action has been taken to raise the barrier to entry. This may happen in the future.

Of these, click fraud remains the largest, imminent issue facing google AdSense, and the possibility for any ***-publisher to be effectively barred from participation remains the biggest single point of failure for this system. Fortunately, alternatives do exist for ***-publishers.

1. Yahoo! Publisher Network - Yahoo! has introduced its own *****alent program for ***-publishers, the Yahoo! Publisher Network. This program is still young but maturing rapidly. You can participate in both the Yahoo! and google programs simultaneously if you get approved for both.

2. If you have a reasonable amount of traffic and page views already, then ad-brokers such as BurstMedia, FastClick (now merged with ValuClick), Chitika, Kanoodle, AdBrite and so forth are available for displaying advertisements.

3. CPM (Cost per Thousand Impressions) models of advertising with banner ads, or page sponsorships continue to play a significant role in the ***-publisher's world.

4. If you are careful to collect e-mail addresses from visitors and develop a weekly e-zine, e-zine advertising remains a good option (once you have more than 1000 members on the list)

5. Affiliateships remain an important threat to google AdSense. Well-written ******* on a ***site often brings good return traffic. However, this traffic is often interested in reading the *******, rather than clicking on an advertisement. The ******* on the site is now acting effectively like an affiliate for the ads that do show up on the site. But real affiliateships pay much more than what a google adsense advertisement would. google is becoming more sensitive to this by also tracking the conversion rate from a given ***site, and may potentially start serving higher paying, higher quality ads at those sites.

Thus, as a ***-publisher and a smart business-person, do not rely on only one source of income, even if you follow an advertisement model. Keep the doors open to multiple sources of income.

Copyright 2006 Character and Wealth LLC

Article Source: Google AdSense: Pitfalls and Alternatives | A Affiliate Revenue Article
Posted by Zakariae at 10:11 AM 0 comments
Google adsense - The Easiest Way To Make Money Online
Do you know that the easiest way to make money online now is to use google Adsense? google adsense is like a pay-per-click advertising avenue, only that the generated pay-per-click revenue goes to you for putting up the google adsense Ads on your ***site pages.

For the last couple of months, google adsense has dominated forums, discussions and newsletters all over the Internet. Already, there are tales of fabulous riches to be made and millions made by those who are just working from home. It seems that google adsense have already dominated the internet marketing business and is now considered the easiest way to make money online.

The key to success to make money with google adsense is the placing of ads on pages that are receiving high traffic for high demand keywords. The higher the cost-per-click to the advertiser, the more you will receive per click from your site. Obviously, it does not pay to target low cost-per-click keywords and place them on pages that do not receive hits.

With all the people getting online and clicking away everyday, it is no wonder why google adsense has become an instant hit.

For some who are just new to this market, it would be a blow to their pride knowing that their homepage is buried somewhere in the little ads promoting other people's services. But then, when they get the idea that they are actually earning more money that way, all doubts and skepticism is laid to rest.

There are two major, and clever, factors that some successful ***master and publishers are learning to blend together in order to make money easier using Adsense.

1. Targeting high traffic pages on your ***site. If you check on your logs, you will discover that many of your visitors are taking advan***e of the free affiliate marketing resources and ebooks that you are offering on your site. In simple words, your ads are working effectively and are generating more clicks. It also means more money for you.

2. Placing adsense links on pages that are producing little, or better yet, no profit. By placing adsense on a free resources page, you will reduce the amount of potential customers being lost to other sites. Tricky, but effective nonetheless.

When learned to work effectively, these two factors are actually a good source of producing a minimal amount of revenue from a high traffic page. Many people are using this strategy to pick up some extra and cash with Adsense. This is also especially rewarding to informational sites that focus their efforts on delivering powerful affiliate link free ******* to their visitors. Now they can gain a monetary return on their services.

With the many techniques that people are now learning on how to make the easiest money by their Adsense, it is not surprising that google is trying everything to update and polish their adsense in order to maintain their good image.

The possibility of adding is 2nd tier in adsense is not impossible. With all the people spending more time in their adsense now and still more getting into this line of marketing, there is no doubt about the many new improvements yet to be made. Imagine the smiles on the faces of the ***masters and publishers all around the world if ever they sign up for sub-affiliates and double or even triple the amount that they are already earning.

The one particularly handy money-making feature that is available with adsense now is the ability to filter out up to 200 urls. These gives ***masters the option to block out low value offers from their pages as well as competitors to their ***sites. Talk about taking only those that are advan***eous and discarding the ones that seem "useless".

With google Adsense, the possibilities are limitless. Yet there is also the possibility of someone taking advan***e of the easy money process that this internet marketing is doing. If you think more about it, these negative factors may force google to break down and thrash adsense in the process. If that happens, people would have to go back to the old ways of internet marketing that does not make money online as easy as Adsense.

For now, however, google adsense is here to stay. As long as there are people wanting to earn some easy cash online just using their talents, the future ahead is looking good. Besides with all the strict guidelines that google is enforcing over Adsense, it will take awhile for the adsense privileges to be spammed and even terminated.

Article Source: Google Adsense - The Easiest Way To Make Money Online | A Affiliate Revenue Article
Posted by Zakariae at 10:09 AM 0 comments
Google adsense - How To Improve Your google adsense Earnings
Google adsense is a powerful program, but it is important to plan carefully when implementing an online advertising strategy. This article tells you "How To Increase Your google adsense Earnings".

To many beginning ***site owners, the google adsense program can seem like a program for free money, but in fact earning money from hosting ads take planning, patience, and lots of hard work. While it is possible to earn a very good living from hosting adsense ads, the truth is that most people do not use the program to its maximum potential. What separates those few top earners from all the rest is knowledge, and it is important to gather plenty of information to improve your google adsense earnings.

If ***masters want to monetize their ***sites, the great way to do it is through google Adsense. There are lots of ***masters struggling hard to earn some good money a day through their sites. But then some of the "geniuses" of them are enjoying hundreds of dollars a day from google adsense ads on their ***sites. What makes these ***masters different from the other kind is that they are different and they think out of the box.

The ones who have been there and done it have quite some useful tips to help those who would want to venture into this field. Some of these tips have boosted quite a lot of earnings in the past and is continuously doing so.

Here are some 5 proven ways on how best to improve your google adsense earnings.

1. Concentrating on one format of google adsense ad. The one format that worked well for the majority is the Large Rectangle (336X280). This same format has the tendency to result in higher CTR, or the click-through rates. Why choose this format out of the many you can use? Basically because the ads will look like normal *** links, and people, being used to clicking on them, click these types of links. They may or may not know they are clicking on your google adsense ads but as long as there are clicks, then it will all be for your advan***e.

2. Create a custom palette for your google adsense ads. Choose a color that will go well with the background of your site. If your site has a white background, try to use white as the color of your ad border and background. The idea to patterning the colors is to make the adsense look like it is part of the *** pages. Again, this will result to more clicks from people visiting your site.

3. Remove the google adsense from the bottom pages of your site and put them at the top. Do not try to hide your google Adsense. Put them in the place where people can see them quickly. You will be amazed how the difference between google adsense locations can make when you see your earnings.

4. Maintain links to relevant ***sites. If you think some sites are better off than the others, put your ads there and try to maintaining and managing them. If there is already lots of google adsense put into that certain site, put yours on top of all of them. That way visitor will see your ads first upon browsing into that site.

5. Try to automate the insertion of your google adsense code into the ***pages using SSI (or server side included). Ask your *** administrator if your server supports SSI or not. How do you do it? Just save your google adsense code in a **** file, save it as "adsense ****", and upload it to the root directory of the *** server. Then using SSI, call the code on other pages. This tip is a time saver especially for those who are using automatic page generators to generate pages on their ***site.

These are some of the tips that have worked well for some who want to generate hundreds and even thousands on their ***sites. It is important to know though that ads are displayed because it fits the interest of the people viewing them. So focusing on a specific topic should be your primary purpose because the displays will be especially targeted on a topic that persons will be viewing already.

Note also that there are many other google adsense sharing the same topic as you. It is best to think of making a good ad that will be somewhat different and unique than the ones already done. Every click through that visitors make is a point for you so make every click count by making your google adsense something that people will definitely click on.

Tips given by those who have boosted their earnings are just guidelines they want to share with others. If they have somehow worked wonders to some, maybe it can work wonders for you too. Try them out into your ads and see the result it will bring.

If others have done it, there is nothing wrong trying it out for yourself.

Article Source: Google Adsense - How To Improve Your Google Adsense Earnings | A Affiliate Revenue Article
الموضوع الأصلي: Don't Reinvent the Wheel,Do's and Don'ts of Google Adsense || الكاتب: ذكرى || المصدر: منتديات

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