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قديم منذ /02-15-2022, 12:30 AM   #1

مدام ششريهان غير متواجد حالياً

 رقم العضوية : 64745
 تاريخ التسجيل : 23 - 12 - 2018
 المشاركات : 206
 الحكمة المفضلة : Algeria
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افتراضي Best medical eye contour cream

أنا : مدام ششريهان

Best medical contour cream
Best medical eye contour cream

Welcome to the treatab ***site : The Treatab ***site offers the Best cosmetic products and medical cosmetic for skin and hair care and other original medical products.

The best medical eye contour cream : The skin around the eyes is thinner than other parts of the face, so there is no doubt that you need to take more because the skin around the eyes dries faster than other parts of the face and is more exposed to the sun’s UV rays.

Many girls are keen to buy eye creams and use them regularly so that they do not achieve the Best results because eye creams give many benefits, including delaying the appearance of wrinkles, hiding dark circles and treating the problems of eye redness and swelling of the eyes, and this is achieved only if the eye cream is applied correctly To get the Best result.
Best medical contour cream
Benefits of eye cream
Moisturizing the eye skin from the depth , nourishing it and preventing dehydration.
Fight eye puffiness and get rid of it as soon as possible.
Treating dark circles under the eyes and reducing their appearance.
Smoothing fine lines and treating wrinkles caused by aging.
Restore freshness to the eye skin and lighten it to make it more vibrant.
Protecting the skin from the damages of external environmental factors and preserving the eye.
It contains vitamin A, as it is one of the effective ingredients in reducing wrinkles.
It contains collagen, which is one of the important substances available in the eye cream. It increases the elasticity of the skin and reduces wrinkles.

How to use eye cream
Best medical contour cream
Clean the eye skin first with pure water.
Apply eye cream under your eyebrows on the upper bone of the eyelid and then extend it under your eyes so that it is away from the lower eyelashes.
Use your fourth finger, the ring finger, when wiping the eye cream.
Do not put makeup after applying the eye cream, but wait for 15 minutes for it to be completely absorbed by the skin, because this method will help you get the Best results of the product and get young and fresh skin.

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الموضوع الأصلي: Best medical eye contour cream || الكاتب: مدام ششريهان || المصدر: منتديات

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Best medical eye contour cream cream

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