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قديم منذ /12-24-2020, 01:07 PM   #1

ضياء الروح غير متواجد حالياً

 رقم العضوية : 64701
 تاريخ التسجيل : 24 - 7 - 2018
 المشاركات : 681
 الحكمة المفضلة : United States
 SMS :


افتراضي Tameeni Store ***site

أنا : ضياء الروح

Tameeni store ***site


A site for car services, car shows, car dealerships and leasing offices

Tameeni Store ***site

The site has more than one user system The customer is registered on the site to enjoy the services and features

Tameeni Store ***site

The customer or the buyer can request a daily, weekly, or monthly rental car or rent to own
The customer can post ads selling cars
The customer can post in the subsections
The customer can request insurance on his car, comprehensive insurance or golden insurance

Tameeni Store ***site

1- Exhibitions dashboard (car showrooms)
The panel of the car exhibition or car dealerships is chosen for the sale and purchase exhibition
The logo or logo of the exhibition, access road and phone numbers are added
The state is chosen
The cars to be advertised are added, and the condition of the car is new or used, the type of transmission, the mileage, the cab data, the characteristics and the price.
The ad type is chosen, distinguished, gold, or silver
And many other characteristics
2- Rental office panel
Register a car rental exhibition
Add the cars available to you and choose the type of rental
Rent to own daily, weekly, monthly
The customer can request to reserve the required car, and the reservation request will be located on the rental panel
3- Insurance panel of commission insurance offices
Owners of commission insurance offices
They can add the name of the insurance company
And the logo of the insurance company
Car insurance conditions, such as in-house repair for a period of 4 years, as an example
Repair outside the agency after 4 years

Cover the windshield
Tires, wheels and other conditions
4- Additions for insurance
Such as alternative cars at the time of the accident and their price
Roadside assistance service
Lack of right of recourse and other conditions and additions
You can add a percen***e for each car (RET) and also open a file when there is a speed car accident
It consists of more than one insurance system
Comprehensive insurance system and third-party insurance system

5- The way to buy car insurance is very easy for the customer
Entry into comprehensive insurance
Choose the type of car, for example Kia, choose the sub-brand, for example Spor***e, choose the year of manufacture, and add the price of the car
Click on View or Search
The added companies show each company with its terms and prices. The customer can choose the appropriate company and the price and specify the additions
Choose the start of the insurance and attach or send a copy of the car book or the previous insurance ********
A request appears on the board of the insurance office in the presence of an insurance request composed of
The customer's name, phone number, email or e-mail, vehicle data, year of manufacture, beginning of insurance and a copy of the book
The ******** is issued and delivered to the customer and the amount is received

Tameeni Store ***site

Tameeni Store ***site

: For more, please visit our


الموضوع الأصلي: Tameeni Store ***site || الكاتب: ضياء الروح || المصدر: منتديات

شمس الحب

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Tameeni Store ***site store

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