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قديم منذ /12-09-2020, 02:42 AM   #1

entresand غير متواجد حالياً

 رقم العضوية : 63947
 تاريخ التسجيل : 28 - 9 - 2015
 المشاركات : 68
 الحكمة المفضلة : United States
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افتراضي Billionaire Ma Xiaoqiu's BookRelease,Brings OutAmber Martinez, Rebecca Holden, and Entertainment ...

أنا : entresand

Self-made Chinese billionaire and the founder and president of China DYF Group, Ms. Ma Xiaoqiu, debuted her recent novel "Autumn Dialogues", at an exclusive release, in Beverly Hills, CA. Only a select group of celebrities, entertainment professionals, and business executives, were invited to take part. Among the celebrities invited, was film and television actress, Amber Martinez,who was in the film "RoughNight"with Scarlett Johansson, Kate McKinnon, Zoe Kravitzand also in the film "Senior Entourage"with Ed Asner, Helen Reddy, Mark Rydell, Marion Ross, and has been in many otherfilms.
Amber martinez has also beenin many television shows, such as"NCIS" with Wilmer ValderramaandMark Harmon,in "Dirty John" with Christian Slaterand Amanda Peet, in "Why Women Kill" with Lucy Liu, Ginnifer Goodwin, and Alexandra Daddario, in Ron Howard's "68 Whiskey", in "Seal Team" with DavidBoreanez, in"Homeland" with Claire Danes,and many other television shows.Amber Martinezwas also lucky enough to work as a danceron HBO's "Euphoria", that was nominated for the Glaad Media Awards, and the show took home an Emmy for "OutstandingLeadActress in a Drama Series"with Zendaya.Amber martinez was in meetings, with Ms. Ma xiaoqiu's representative for DYF Entertainment, Ms. Jeannie Yi. Amber martinez was asked about working with China. Amber replied, "I would love to work more with the Asian markets and completely enjoy international projects." Ms. Jeannie Yi gave a moving speech about Ma's life and experiences. Amber appeared to be excited about working in Asia, "I am definitely open and willing to collaborate with Madame Ma Xiaoqiu and her future projects."
Ms. xiaoqiu's book "Autumn Dialogues"is described as a "series of meditations". The meditations are focused on the virtues of life lessons. Ma has also been mentioned in Forbes magazineand is an avid philanthropist. Atthe book launch, were actress rebecca holden (Knight Rider, Baskets) and singer Josh Moreland, singing asong,in honor ofMa Xiaoqiu. Ryan R. Johnson,Hollywood producer (Arkansas, The Comeback Trail)andLeith Eaton, founder of the International Arts Association,were also there.All photos taken by Guillermo Proano.

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