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العودة   منتديات شمس الحب > «®™§¤§ منتــديات شمس الحب الآداريــــة §¤§™®» > سلة المحذوفات والمواضيع المكررة

سلة المحذوفات والمواضيع المكررة اي موضوع مكرر ومهيء للحذف تجده هنا

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قديم منذ /04-23-2017, 10:21 PM   #1

لميسـ غير متواجد حالياً

 رقم العضوية : 9523
 تاريخ التسجيل : 23 - 9 - 2008
 الجنس : ~ الاهلي
 المشاركات : 155,340
 الحكمة المفضلة : Canada
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افتراضي سلاح تخاف منه امريكا

أنا : لميسـ

هل تعلم ان التردد المكرويفى 5G والتى سوف تجرى التجارب عليه للاستخدام فى الاتصالات والجولات خطيره جدا للانسان وغير معروفة مدى ضررها انه السلاح الدى طوره الروس والدى هدد به بوتين امريكا انه مع المجنون بتاع كوريا من خصائصه انه يحرق الدوائر الالكترونية مثل الحواسيب والسيارات والاجهزة الكهربائية وجميع منظومات الالكترونية سواء مدنية او عسكرية لدا سحبت امريكا معظم حاملات الطايرات 11 درة الاسطول الامريكى البحرى وارسلتها الى قواعدها ليس للصيانه بل لتحديثها وحماية منظومتها الالكترونية بما يسمى الدرع الواقى ضد الة الهرومغناطيسية الماكروفية
following up on the EMP issues, I've been working with a friend on a shielding technology to protect against everything from cell phones (3-5G), microwaves and on down to magnetic / EMP that will be laminated into a flexible PVC sheet and made into various shapes for small Faraday cages, etc. This tech can shield against destructive and spying frequencies, and it has to be tested thoroughly with expensive equipment to know it actually works. You can't judge things with an AM radio in a trash can, that's a joke.

The current technology we've been able to find basically stopped in the 1970's, so it's out of date for the new things coming and it hasn't been properly tested -- even the DOD is lagging on this -- I think this is the reason all the carriers were back in port at the same time getting retrofitted to protect against this kind of electronic warfare. Most of the current tech (e.g. Silent Pocket) are good only for NFC, cell, microwaves and many haven't been tested to cover the new 5G and existing products use two layers of a silver coated wire or plastic mesh, separated by an insulating layer of nylon. The aluminized mylar things on Amazon are only good for static and not much more, even in multiple layers.

The trick with the low frequencies is to use nickel or nickel alloys and they have to be properly annealed and manufactured to actually these things and this requires a third layer of foil with special treatment, in addition to the other two layers mentioned previously. People are now even adding 2-3% Ferrite and other ****l powders into concrete mixes to protect buildings! All your tinfoil hat readers are just ahead of the crowd... As you mention, EMP from a nuke is probably not a huge threat, it's the high powered microwave plane or cruise missile flying by or even a CME from the sun that's the biggest threat to electronics.

5G is potentially the most problematic, because it is very near to the frequency being used in the so called "terahertz" airport body scanners. Once this gets deployed, anyone with a "viewer" could see through people's clothes, walls of houses, inside cars, etc. using the signal propagated from cell towers! Law enforcement will be able to do warrantless searches of nearly anything, inside your bags, car, home, under your clothes, etc. They can also use a more powerful NFC to trigger the chip inside your passport or ID to know exactly who is inside a house or card BEFORE they even pull over a car or go inside a building. You will want to shield all the NFC/RFIC stuff, your trunk and whatever else you want protected.

Yes, it literally sounds like tin foil hat time, but it's becoming real very fast. The long term health consequences of 5G are not known, but they could result in lots of cancers and other ailments that will only be discovered AFTER the tech is put into use. With 5G, every cell tower is now like a high powered airport scanner. When one of my tech guys explained this to me, it was pretty shocking and people will want to start paying attention.
الموضوع الأصلي: سلاح تخاف منه امريكا || الكاتب: لميسـ || المصدر: منتديات

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