المواقع لرفع الملفات من
خلال FTPRush 1.0.0 Build 626
FTPRus مقارنة مع برامج ال FTP هذا البرنامج يمتعك بسرعته في نقل الملفات..و سهولة التعامل معه. ينقل
الملفات من السيرفور الى عندك و العكس و كمان من اي سورفور الى آخر... و كمان ممكن برمجته لكي يشتغل آليا .. اضف الى ذلك توفر اللغة العربية في هذا الاصدار

Will allow you to transfer files from local to server, server to local or server to server. FTPRush is a fast, reliable, powerful and easy-to-use FTP/FXP client for Microsoft Windows.
FTPRush is a FTP client that will allow you to easily transfer files.
FTPRush allows you to transfer files from local to server, server to local or server to server.
FTPRush allows you to fully customize the user interface on the fly. It allows you to create your own ******s to do automatic jobs... It allows you to do a lot of things.
Stay with
FTPRush and have fun!
Here are some key features of "FTPRush":
· Tabbed Interface for smooth control over multiple active connections.
· GUI Runtime Customization and Integrated Docking; spice up the look of it all with your own style or favorites such as Office 2000/XP/2003.
· Drag-And-Drop
files via Explorer-like interface.
· Built-in Task Manager for you to easily schedule all kinds of jobs.
· On-The-Fly Compression saves your bandwidth.
· Multi-Language support makes
FTPRush easily translatable to your native language if it's not already done.
· HTTP Proxy, FTP Proxy, Socks 4 & 5 support; create different proxies and switch between them with a simple mouse click.
· High performance Disk Buffer to decrease disk fragmentation.
· Secure FTP (FTPS) support; protect your data and information through SSL/TLS encryption.
· Built-in ****** Engine for you to reap maximum benefits from each one of your transfers; either write your own ******s or choose from an always growing collection.
· Automatic SFV Checking and Reporting functionalities.
· Multiple-Files Renaming tool saves you time.
· Built-in Command Designer for Serv-U/RaidenFTPD/ioFTPD/glftpd; your always one click away from all the basic ftp commands but you can also personnalize them to make everything quicker for you.
· FTP Folders Caching speeds your browsing.
· Wildcards, Regular Expressions and Skip & Allow Lists tools make sure that you transfer wanted data only.
· Search for a file on a server as easily as you would on your own machine with our Advanced File Finder tool.
· IdentD Server support.
· Unicode/UTF-8 Charset support.
· CPU Pentium III 800
· 128 MB Ram
· 10 MB Hard Drive Space
· 30 days trial
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