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قديم منذ /02-05-2012, 04:07 PM   #1

applesales24 غير متواجد حالياً

 رقم العضوية : 61724
 تاريخ التسجيل : 5 - 2 - 2012
 المشاركات : 1
 الحكمة المفضلة : Saudi Arabia
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Post للبيع: Blackberry Porsche Design P'9981

أنا : applesales24

Email: appleac1@LI VE.COM
MSN: appleac1@LIVE.COM
Skype: salesagent2

For Sale blackberry Porsche design P9981 Brand New Original Unlocked.. $750USD

Buy 3 units and get 1 unit FREE.
Buy 10 units and get 3 unit FREE including shipping.


Porsche design p'9981 is a smartphone from BlackBerry. The phone with the futuristic QWERTY keyboard was formerly known as the blackberry Knight. The device offers solid construction, for one thing with a forged stainless steel frame, leather back, and a sculpted QWERTY keyboard. The model is equipped with a exclusive Porsche design UI and a Wikitude World Browser augmented reality app. Each unit of the p'9981 gets a premium PIN that allows the user of the device to find another p'9981 user in a crowd. Other specs include a single-core 1.2GHz processor, HD video capture and 8GB of native storage that can be pumped up to 40GB using a microSD card. The phone is NFC enabled and has blackberry 7 OS on board. That means the phone has the second-generation ***Kit browser and includes the fast and smooth liquid graphics.

850 / 900 / 1800 / 1900 MHz
900 / 2100 MHz
Porsche Design
115 mm / 4.53 in
67 mm / 2.64 in
11.3 mm / 0.44 in
155 g / 5.47 oz

Power and performanceProcessor:
MSM 8655, 1.2GHz

More when you need itMemory:
768MB RAM, 8 GB eMMC
Expandable memory:
Up to 32 GB µSD card (optional)

Effortless style

Capacitive touch screen
Optical trackpad
ESC key to the right of the trackpad
Menu key to the left of trackpad
35 key backlit keyboard
Dedicated keys: Send, End (Power), Menu, Escape, Camera (user customisable, convenience key), Volume Up/Down (Fwd/Rwd for media, Zoom for camera), Mute (Play/Pause for media), Lock (top center)


5 MP camera
HD Video recording (720p)
4X Digital Zoom
Face detection and Image Stabilisation
Scene Modes

Explore more

Integrated GPS
Includes BlackBerry® Maps

Advanced Sensors


RelaxVideo formats:
MPEG4, H.264, H.263
Audio formats:
MP3, AMR-NB, AAC-LC, AAC+, eAAC+, Flac, Vorbis

Stunning display

VGA 640 × 480 resolution
287 dpi
Transmissive TFT LCD
2.8” active area

Make instant connections Near Field Communication:Operating Frequency:
13.56 MHz
Operating Modes:
reader/writer, card emulation

Go furtherWi-Fi:
802.11 2GHz b/g/n, 5GHz a/n

Sounds great

3.5mm stereo headset capable
Integrated speaker and microphone
Dual Microphone for intelligent background noise suppression and echo cancellation
Hands-free headset capable
Bluetooth headset capable
Integrated hands-free speakerphone

NOTE: These phones are brand new,100% UNLOCKED and can be used with any SIM card Worldwide. No activation required (check carrier frequency requirements) Insert Your SIM CARD and start using the phone.

Shipping Method: FedEx / DHL/UPS within 2 days to your doorstep anywhere in the world.
Delivery time: 48 hours to your doorstep,Tracking number will be provided to trace shipment online.

Please contact us for more information and purchase inquiries:

Marketting Manager

الموضوع الأصلي: للبيع: Blackberry Porsche Design P'9981 || الكاتب: applesales24 || المصدر: منتديات

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» للبيع: Blackberry Porsche Design P'9981
» للبيع: Blackberry Porsche Design P'9981
» للبيع: Blackberry Porsche Design P'9981
» للبيع: Blackberry Porsche Design P'9981

التعديل الأخير تم بواسطة صالح العمري ; 02-06-2012 الساعة 04:09 AM.
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للبيع:, blackberry, design, p'9981, porsche

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