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قديم منذ /12-06-2014, 03:11 PM   #1

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الصورة الرمزية ذكرى

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 رقم العضوية : 9524
 تاريخ التسجيل : 23 - 9 - 2008
 المشاركات : 7,394
 الحكمة المفضلة : United States
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افتراضي Pilgway 3D-Coat v4.1.17D Multilingual (x86x64) Dec 4 2014

أنا : ذكرى

Pilgway 3D-Coat v4.1.17D Multilingual (x86/x64) Dec 4 2014

Pilgway 3D-Coat v4.1.17D Multilingual (x86x64) 2014

3D-Coat v4.1.17D Multilingual (x86/x64) Dec 4 2014| 572.45 MB

3D-Coat - commercial computer software for modeling different organic objects and low poly rough 3D- models provides a broad set of tools that allow users to create sculptures, adding topology ( automatically or manually ) to create UV- maps, interactive surface ****ure , model, visualization static scenes and a circular animation model. The program can also be used as the medium for modifying imported 3D- models obtained using a commercial software.

Imported models can be converted into a voxel sculpture - to further refine and add new parts , also for them to create UV-scanning , mapping, displacement map , maps, highlights and diffuse color map . After all changes have been completed, with a special connection, they can be transferred to the original software stored scans , ****ures and complete information about the object changed.
3D-Coat specializes in modeling the voxel and polygonal sculptures - using innovative technologies (Dynamic Tessellation) and a complete set of tools required (in development) . The latest version , users can significantly increase performance and speed with technology 3D-Coat " Skinning " using an algorithm - Autopo. With minimal user interaction , this intelligent technology accurately creates functional poly ****l ( skin ) over any voxel sculpting ( consisting mainly of quadrilaterals ) , which are the standard accepted and widely used in most 3D- studios. As a rule , this kind of polygon topology should be modeled manually.
Key features :
* comprise layers depth, color and mirroring . You can enable or disable any of these channels and apply effects to them - displacement , transparency , contrast, depth and animation , etc.;
* It is possible to draw through the UV as easily as on the 3D models. Nearly all tools can do it ;
* Each pen has a lot of channels - color, depth , mirror and float ;
* There is a possibility to fill the field and spherical gradient fill ;
* filters for image correction and preview the result in 3D;
* The **** overlay on the surface . **** is located along a spline , you can even write the **** around the entire object.
* You can not just paint brush , but with the help of contour rectangle or ellipse ;
many other possibilities.
Integration with third-party software :
3D-Coat works very well with other software . As 3D, and kompoznym . There applinki for Nuke, Fusion, as well as a dozen other programs , such as Maya, 3Ds Max, Softimage, Houdini, Cinema4d, LW, Modo , etc.
Import / Export
3D-Coat supports a wide range of file formats for import and export data.
Geometry formats :
obj, lwo, fbx, stl, ply, dae, wrl.
Graphics formats :
tga, bmp, png, jpg, dds, tif, tiff, exr, ptex, svg, eps. spline
What's new in version 4.1.17:
- Tweak room select works correctly
- Topo symm works correctly, it copies regardless on previous stamp mode usage
- multithreading problems fixed in ppp painting - so it will work much faster (strokes, layers visibility etc)
- Paint room **** tool aliasing problem fixed (but still needs some work even if become much better)
- Put picture along curve correctly works with opacity in depth channel
- swap YZ completely implemented in al tools (including axis and arrows colors). So Z-up mode should work correcty now.


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الموضوع الأصلي: Pilgway 3D-Coat v4.1.17D Multilingual (x86x64) Dec 4 2014 || الكاتب: ذكرى || المصدر: منتديات

شمس الحب

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Pilgway 3D-Coat v4>1>17D Multilingual (x86x64) Dec 4 2014

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