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الصورة الرمزية ذكرى

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 تاريخ التسجيل : 23 - 9 - 2008
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 الحكمة المفضلة : United States
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افتراضي CyberLink PowerDirector Ultimate 13.0.2326 Final

أنا : ذكرى

CyberLink PowerDirector Ultimate 13.0.2326 Final

PowerDirector 13 Ultimate includes all the powerful video editing tools for high quality video productions - 100-track timeline, MultiCam Editing, the world's fastest 64-bit TrueVelocity engine and much more. It comes with worth over $650 value premium effects and templates to enrich your video creation, 10GB cloud services for the first year and PowerDirector Mobile for video editing on smart devices.

Cloud Tools, Fully Customizable Design Tools, Over 60 New Features, Effects and Templates and Much More
Unleash your creativity with PowerDirector 13's customizable design tools - create your personalized transition, titles and disc menu, and edit up to 100 multicam clips with the most powerful video editing software! Need more effects and templates? PowerDirector includes over 50 new effects and templates to polish your video creations. When your creation is done, you can backup your projects using CyberLink Cloud service, or create movie discs with our new Menu Designer!

100 Track MultiCam Editing
The new MultiCam Audio Sync feature allows you to synchronize up to 100 timeline tracks by audio. Which means you can easily create MultiCam collages by freely transform video tracks as a PiP (picture in picture) object.

Customized Transition Effects
The new Transition Designer provides an easy way to customize transition effects from an image. Simple import a image, PowerDirector will create the transition effect basing on the image you choose.

Video Effects on Animated Titles
You can apply over 120 built-in video effects to your titles, such as water reflection, tilt-shift or particle effects, to make your animated title creations look more unique

Enhanced Menu Designer
PowerDirector 13's menu designer greatly enhanced the usability - automatically align disc menu items when designing customized disc menu, you can also choose to display video thumbnails, or use a cleaner **** menu without thumbnails.

Enhanced Video Stabilizer
The enhanced stabilization engine smartly detects multi-axis and rotational shakiness, and remove the shakiness in sports videos.

CyberLink Cloud Service
CyberLink Cloud is designed to work perfectly with PowerDirector to safely store your media creations and other files via the latest in cloud technology.

Enhanced Media Library
PowerDirector's easy-to-use media library interface smartly put your source media, effects and tools in place. You can freely adjust the workspace to optimize productivity or search media library with keywords.

Designed to utilize substantially less bandwidth. H.265 provides same compression quality with 32% size of H.264 videos.

XAVC-S is the new standard of 4K and HD videos, widely used in latest Sony camera and camcorders.

Over 50 New Effects & Templates
PowerDirector 13 comes with over 500 effects and templates, including over 50 brand new animated PiP objects, animated themes, titles and much more!

Create On-the-Go
Edit video anywhere with PowerDirector Mobile your Android and Windows 8 tablets with intuitive timeline interface. Drag-and-drop videos and photos, overlay transition and title effects, just like editing on your PC!

Export ISO Image File
When producing DVD or Blu-ray Discs, you choose to save the disc creation to ISO image format, which is easier to archive and retrieve your disc creations.

System Requirements:
Operating System:
- Microsoft Windows 8/8.1, 7, Vista (SP2)

Screen Resolution:
- 1024 x 768, 16-bit color or above

CPU Processor:
- PowerDirector 13 is optimized for CPUs with MMX/SSE/SSE2/3DNow!/3DNow! Extension/HyperThreading/ Intel AVX2 technology.
- AVI Capture/Produce: Profiles: Pentium 4 3.0 Ghz or AMD Athlon 64 X2
- DVD Quality (MPEG-2) Profiles: Pentium 4 3.0 Ghz or AMD Athlon 64 X2
- High Quality MPEG-4 and Streaming WMV, QuickTime) Profiles: Pentium 4 3.0 Ghz or AMD Athlon 64 X2.
- Full-HD quality H.264 and MPEG2 Profiles: Intel Corei5/7 or AMD Phenom II X4
- AVCHD and BD burning Profiles: Pentium Core 2 Duo E6400, or AMD Phenom II X4
- 2K/4K/3D video editing profile: Intel Corei7 or AMD FX series with 64 bit OS 6 GB RAM

- 2GB required
- 3GB or above recommended for 32 bit OS
- 6GB or above recommended for 64 bit OS & 3D editing

Hard Disk Space:
- 8.5GB required minimum (note: 400 MB is for Magic Music Library)
- 10 GB (20 GB recommended) for DVD production
- 60 GB (100 GB recommended) for Blu-ray Disc/AVCHD production

Burning Drive:
- A CD or DVD burner (CD-R/RW, DVD+R/RW or DVD-R/RW) is required to burn VCD/DVD/SVCD/AVCHD titles
- A Blu-ray disc recordable drive is required to burn Blu-ray Discs

Graphics Card:
- 128 MB VGA VRAM or higher (1 GB or higher VRAM and OpenCL capable are recommended)

What's new in version:
- Fixes crash issue that occurs when pressing the [Ctrl] hotkey to apply audio transition on an image in timeline.
- Fixes crash issue that occurs during the import of MP4 clips that have a duration of less than 4 seconds.
- Fixes crash issue that occurs when editing in Theme Designer if there are lots of images in media room.
- Fixes the issue that Blu-rays won't burn successfully if audio profile is DTS audio.
- Improves user experience by changing the ?Maintain Aspect Ratio? setting in the Keyframe Room from a global setting to an individual clip setting.

Home Page - http://www.cyberlink.com/products/po...res_en_US.html


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الموضوع الأصلي: CyberLink PowerDirector Ultimate 13.0.2326 Final || الكاتب: ذكرى || المصدر: منتديات

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CyberLink PowerDirector Ultimate 13>0>2326 Final

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