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قديم منذ /12-02-2014, 02:43 PM   #1

محبوب vib

الصورة الرمزية ذكرى

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 رقم العضوية : 9524
 تاريخ التسجيل : 23 - 9 - 2008
 المشاركات : 7,394
 الحكمة المفضلة : United States
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افتراضي Strezov Sampling RHODOPE Ethnic Bulgarian Choir KONTAKT DVDR-DISCOVER

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Strezov Sampling RHODOPE Ethnic Bulgarian Choir KONTAKT DVDR-DISCOVER

Strezov Sampling RHODOPE Ethnic Bulgarian Choir KONTAKT DVDR-DISCOVER

Sampling RHODOPE Ethnic Bulgarian Choir KONTAKT DVDR-DISCOVER

A unique product that brought to life our "Syllabuilder" engine - a powerful word building software that allows you to write your own words which will be "sung" by a virtual Ethnic Bulgarian choir.

Ethnic Bulgarian singing is something really special for us, because it's something we are proud of as a nation. This special type of "throat" singing is truly unique and gives a new and interesting timbre that is not typical for the Choir ensembles. This is why we decided that this requires a special approach - we wanted to get away from pre-recorded phrases and loops and to give the user the possibility and freedom to do what they like with this choir.

This is what brought SYLLABUILDER to life - an engine that our programmer Alexander Koev worked for more than a year on. The result is a sample library that is quite new and has the following features:

- 10 singers
- Range of E3-D5 (C4 = middle C)
- The powerful SYLLABUILDER engine (full word building engine) allows you to write words that will be 'sung' by the virtual choir
- The Syllabuilder gives you the ideal balance between the detailed control over the words and the fast workflow
- Ability to Save and Load presets; cross-compatible with future versions.
- Ability to manually edit each of the consonants or vowel sounds in Syllabuilder ****
- Polyphonic legato
- The ability to overlap different vowels/consonants in a single midi track - one voice holding on ???Ah- (for instance), while the other voices still progressing throughout the lyrics.
- Easy to use either live or in your DAW
- Intuitive HELP incorporated in the KONTAKT patch
- Various other ******s that will help you in your workflow
- Last but not least - the unique timbre of the Ethnic Bulgarian singers
- The product is Native Instruments KONTAKT 5+ FULL version compatible.



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Strezov Sampling RHODOPE Ethnic Bulgarian Choir KONTAKT DVDR-DISCOVER

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