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قديم منذ /11-27-2014, 08:17 PM   #1

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الصورة الرمزية ذكرى

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 رقم العضوية : 9524
 تاريخ التسجيل : 23 - 9 - 2008
 المشاركات : 7,394
 الحكمة المفضلة : United States
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افتراضي Microsoft Windows 10 Build 9879 (x86x64) Enterprise Technical Preview

أنا : ذكرى

Microsoft Windows 10 Build 9879 (x86/x64) Enterprise Technical Preview

Microsoft Windows 10 represents the first step of a whole new generation of Windows operating system. It unlocks new experiences for customers to work, play and connect. Windows 10 embodies what our customers (both consumers and enterprises) demand and what we will deliver. Windows 10 will run across an incredibly broad set of devices - from the Internet of Things, to servers in Enterprise datacenters worldwide. Some of these devices have 4 inch screens - some have 80 inch screens - and some don't have screens at all. Some of these devices you hold in your hand, others are ten feet away. Some of these devices you primarily use touch/pen, others mouse/keyboard, others controller/gesture - and some devices can switch between input types.

Windows 10 is the one product family, with a tailored experience for each device. Whether you're building a game or a line of business application, there will be one way to write a universal app that targets the entire family. There will be one store, one way for applications to be discovered, purchased and updated across all of these devices.
Windows 10 will deliver the right experience on the right device at the right time. It will be MIcrosoft's most comprehensive platform ever.

Windows 10 also delivers one universal app platform, one security model, and one deployment and management approach. With the convergence of our platforms, that unified experience scales across devices. From the small, thin and light - up to the largest and most powerful laptops, desktops and all-in-one PCs. Windows 10 even scales to industry and ruggedized devices, purpose-built industry solutions, small foot print devices (Internet of Things) and all the way up to 85" touch-screen conference room displays.

There's virtually no learning curve required with Windows 10. For mouse and keyboard users, the Windows 10 user experience begins at the familiar desktop. The Start menu experience of Windows 7 has been expanded, providing one-click access to the functions and files that people use most. Windows 10 enhances existing productivity features like Snap.

Windows 10 also introduces a number of advancements in security and identity protection features that are easy to manage and don't compromise the user experience. One such advancement is the work we have done to create user identitiesfor accessing devices, apps and sites that improve resistance to breach, theft or phishing. This approach is important because it takes the concept of multi-factor solutions such as smartcards or token-based system and builds it right into the operating system, in turn also eliminating the need for extra security hardware peripherals.

Start menu
The familiar Start menu is back, but it brings with it a new customizable space for your favorite apps and Live Tiles.

Everything runs in a window
Apps from the Windows Store now open in the same format that desktop apps do and can be resized and moved around, and have title bars at the top allowing for maximize, minimize, and close with a click.

Snap enhancements
You can now have four apps snapped on the same screen with a new quadrant layout. Windows will also show other apps and programs running for additional snapping and even make smart suggestions on filling available screen space with other open apps.

New task view button
There's a new task-view button on the taskbar for quick switching between open files and quick access to any desktops you create.

Multiple desktops
Create desktops for different purposes and projects and switch between these desktops easily and pick up where you left off on each desktop.

Find files faster
File Explorer now displays your recent files and frequently visited folders making for finding files you've worked on is easier.

What's New
* Ability to hide or show Task View button
* Ability to hide or show Search button
* New minimize and restore animations
* Three dots in Windows chrome replaced by ??????hamburger-style' icon
* New Trackpad gestures: 3 finger up -> Task View, 3 finger down -> show Desktop, 3 finger flick to left or right -> switches to previous app, 3 finger move left or right -> Alt-Tab appears, 3 finger tap -> Search
* Selective sync available in OneDrive, you pick what you want synced to your PC now
* Interoperability focused Edge rendering engine in Internet Explorer available to 10% of Insiders
* Native MKV support, including thumbnail and ****data support in File Explorer
* Continued UI refinements, including some new icons
* New Insider Hub app for those in the Windows Insider Program

Basically, if your PC can run Windows 8.1, you're good to go. If you're not sure, don't worry Windows will check your system to make sure it can install the preview.
* Processor: 1 gigahertz (GHz) or faster
* RAM: 1 gigabyte (GB) (32-bit) or 2 GB (64-bit)
* Free hard disk space: 16 GB
* Graphics card: Microsoft DirectX 9 graphics device with WDDM driver
* A Microsoft account and Internet access

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الموضوع الأصلي: Microsoft Windows 10 Build 9879 (x86x64) Enterprise Technical Preview || الكاتب: ذكرى || المصدر: منتديات

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Microsoft Windows 10 Build 9879 (x86x64) Enterprise Technical Preview

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