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قديم منذ /11-05-2014, 07:51 PM   #1

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 رقم العضوية : 9524
 تاريخ التسجيل : 23 - 9 - 2008
 المشاركات : 7,394
 الحكمة المفضلة : United States
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افتراضي SmithMicro Poser Pro 2014 v10.0.4.27796 with ******* Addon (Win/Mac) (5.11.2014)

أنا : ذكرى

SmithMicro Poser Pro 2014 v10.0.4.27796 with ******* Addon (Win/Mac) (5.11.2014)

Poser is a virtual s***e which gives digital artists and animators full creative control of 3D characters. Poser is an ecosystem full of ready-to-pose 3D humans, animals and cartoon figures, hair, clothing, props, scenery, and all the features, lighting and cameras you need to bring your stories, dreams and projects to life no matter what that genre. From historic to contemporary, sci-fi to fantasy, Poser is the secret 3D animation and illustration tool used by studios and hobbyists alike.
New Poser Pro 2014 Only Features
Productivity tools designed for Professional Poser ******* Developers

Fitting Room
Interactively fit clothing and props to any Poser figure and create new conforming clothing using five intelligent modes that automatically loosen, tighten, smooth and preserve soft and rigid features. Paint maps on the mesh to control the exact areas that you want to modify. Use pre-fit tools to direct the mesh around the goal figure's shapes. with a single button, generate a new conforming item using the goal figure's rig, complete with full morph transfer

SmithMicro Poser 2014 v10.0.4.27796 with ******* Addon (Win/Mac) (5.11.2014)

Copy Morphs from Figure to Figure
When creating new
******* for Poser figures, morph transfer enables conforming clothing developers to easier support a wide array of figures and include both full body and partial body morphs that can be driven by the base figure.

Powerful Parameter Controls
To provide Poser ******* developers more power, display hidden parameters so they can be interactively modified. Drag and drop parameters to change channel and parameter order calculation for control of how operations such as physics simulations, morphs, bends and deformers interact.

New Features in both Poser 10 and Poser Pro 2014

Pixar Subdivision Surfaces
We've integrated Pixar's OpenSubdiv library to provide Pixar Subdivision Surfaces, with user definable subdivision levels per prop, figure or even individual body part. Subdivision improves bending fidelity, smooths polygonal surfaces and improves performance by enabling lighter poly-count *******. Poser includes a new Unimesh skinning method to support subdivision on figures with compliant geometry.

SmithMicro Poser 2014 v10.0.4.27796 with ******* Addon (Win/Mac) (5.11.2014)

Rendering Speed Improvements
The Firefly render engine has been optimized for faster performance when Raytracing.

Bullet Physics
Bullet Physics simulates Rigid Body dynamics, Soft Body dynamics, and dynamic strand based hair. Create rigid simulations
with constraints to build complex mechanical interactions. Paint softbody constraint weights to animate. Add jiggle and bounce to any prop or character. Use the Live Simulation mode to preview dynamics in realtime, or calculate simulations to include in rendered animations.

Comic Book Preview Mode
Use Poser's exciting new Color and B&W Comic Book Preview for static or animated toon imagery. This feature will enable you to create comic art with fantastic line control and color, or clean black and white outlines with persistent shading even when rotating or animating your point of view.

9 New Human and Cartoon Figures
Also included are two new humans utilizing magnets with weight maps and polygonal detailing optimized for SubD. Seven new 3D cartoon figures with incredible facial expressions and personality, worthy of an on-screen cameo in Hollywood, are part of the included *******.

Magnet and Deformer Weight Map Support
Poser's Magnets and Deformers have always been a powerful tool for modifying and animating figures and props. Now with Weight Maps, deformers are even more useful with extraordinary vertex level precision.

SmithMicro Poser 2014 v10.0.4.27796 with ******* Addon (Win/Mac) (5.11.2014)

Magnet and Deformer Weight Map Painting Tools
Control the power of Poser's new Magnet and Deformer Weight Maps
with painting tools that enable vertex by vertex editing. with the added precision of Weight Maps, deformers can be subtly edited to create brilliant *******.

Interactive Raytrace Preview
Preview every scene change you make with the new Interactive Raytrace Preview with a fast raytraced display. It's a great way to see changes to camera angle, lights, shadows with all the benefits of the optimized Firefly Raytrace engine including transparency and reflections.

SmithMicro Poser 2014 v10.0.4.27796 with ******* Addon (Win/Mac) (5.11.2014)

OpenGL Speed Optimization
OpenGL has been optimized for on screen performance so you can create and preview scenes changes and lights faster than ever

Grouping Tool Improvements
Selecting polygons for group editing is easier now by painting, add or remove polygons by group or material and mirror selections across X, Y and Z axes.

Morph Brush Improvements
New Morph Brush methods make it easier to tighten, loosen, sag, flatten smooth and restore any mesh, whether it's a prop, figure or conforming figure. The new Goal feature lets you select a target to morph towards for precise fitting to any figure. Fine tune the morph creation process
with the user definable Pokethrough Margin. Use arrow keys to change brush radius and magnitude.

SmithMicro Poser 2014 v10.0.4.27796 with ******* Addon (Win/Mac) (5.11.2014)

Material Compound Nodes
Create and distribute complicated materials in a simpler fashion
with Compound Nodes. Select any group of individual material nodes and combine them into a single block. Users can expand Compound Nodes to edit the individual nodes, or leave them collapsed.

SmithMicro Poser 2014 v10.0.4.27796 with ******* Addon (Win/Mac) (5.11.2014)

System Requirements for
Poser Pro 2014

- Windows XP, Vista, 7, or 8 (64-bit OS required for 64-bit installation)
- 1.3 GHz Pentium 4 or newer, Athlon 64 or newer (1.65 GHz or faster recommended)
- 1 GB system RAM (4 GB or more recommended)
- OpenGL enabled graphics card or chipset recommended (recent NVIDIA GeForce OR ATI Radeon required for advanced real-time preview features)
- 24-bit color display, 1440 x 900 minimum resolution
- 3 GB free hard disk space (6 GB recommended)
- DVD-ROM drive (Physical product only)
- Internet connection required for ******* Paradise
- Windows? Internet Explorer? 7 or newer
- Adobe? Flash? Player 11 or newer
- Adobe? AIR? (external library)
- Hosting plugins require a valid English language installation of their respective host application:
-- Maxon CINEMA 4D R10-14 (64 & 32-bit)
-- Autodesk 3ds Max 2010 - 2014 (64 & 32-bit)
-- Autodesk Maya 2010 - 2014 (64 & 32-bit)
-- Newtek Light Wave 3D 9 - 11 (64 & 32-bit)
-- ZBrush 4 or later required for GoZ interoperability

- Mac OS X 10.6, 10.7, 10.8 or 10.9
- 1.5 GHz Intel Core processor (Core 2 Duo or faster recommended, 64-bit CPU required for 64-bit support)
- 1 GB system RAM (4 GB or more recommended)
- OpenGL enabled graphics card or chipset recommended (recent NVIDIA GeForce OR ATI Radeon required for advanced real-time preview features)
- 24-bit color display, 1440 x 900 minimum resolution
- 3 GB free hard disk space (6 GB recommended)
- DVD-ROM drive (Physical product only)
- Internet connection required for ******* Paradise
- Adobe? Flash? Player 11 or newer
- Adobe? AIR? (external library)
- Hosting plugins require a valid English language installation of their respective host application:
-- Maxon CINEMA 4D R10-14 (64 & 32-bit)
-- Autodesk Maya 2010 - 2014 (64 & 32-bit)
-- Newtek Light Wave 3D 9 - 11 (64 & 32-bit)
-- ZBrush 4 or later required for GoZ interoperability

Home Page- http://poser.smithmicro.com/

If Links are broken, PM me! Files will be reuploaded ASAP SmithMicro Poser 2014 v10.0.4.27796 with ******* Addon (Win/Mac) (5.11.2014)

No mirrors please

Poser Pro 2014 v10.0.4.27796 (Win)

SmithMicro Poser Pro 2014 v10.0.4.27796 (Mac)

SmithMicro Poser Pro 2014 v10.0.4.27796 ******* Addon (Win)

SmithMicro Poser Pro 2014 v10.0.4.27796 ******* Addon (Mac)


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SmithMicro Poser Pro 2014 v10>0>4>27796 with ******* Addon (WinLMac) (5>11>2014)

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