Windows 8.1 AIO 24in1 with Update x64 v2 en-US Jun2014-FL - منتديات شمس الحب
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قديم منذ /07-04-2014, 05:50 PM   #1

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 رقم العضوية : 9524
 تاريخ التسجيل : 23 - 9 - 2008
 المشاركات : 7,394
 الحكمة المفضلة : United States
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افتراضي Windows 8.1 AIO 24in1 with Update x64 v2 en-US Jun2014-FL

أنا : ذكرى

Windows 8.1 AIO 24in1 with Update x64 v2 en-US Jun2014-FL

Windows 24in1 with Update en-US Jun2014-FL

Windows 8.1 AIO
24in1 with Update x64 v2 en-US Jun2014-FL | 4.05 GB

This image contains Windows Updates current to Jun10-2014
No Windows 8.1 Settings were harmed in the making of this ISO.
No Programs are added to Windows.
No Registry Settings were modified.
No Unattended Settings were added to the ISO.

64-bit RTM Sources:
en_windows_8.1_with_update_x64_dvd_40650 90.iso
en_windows_8.1_n_with_update_x64_dvd_406 5114.iso
en_windows_8.1_professional_vl_with_upda te_x64_dvd_4065194.iso
en_windows_8.1_professional_n_vl_with_up date_x64_dvd_4065208.iso
en_windows_8.1_enterprise_with_update_x6 4_dvd_4065178.iso
en_windows_8.1_enterprise_n_with_update_ x64_dvd_4065163.iso
en_windows_embedded_8.1_industry_pro_wit h_update_x64_dvd_4065122.iso
en_windows_embedded_8.1_industry_enterpr ise_with_update_x64_dvd_4065141.iso

These RTM Sources are the final Build 9600.17031

Installation Indexes:
Windows 8.1 (Core) / KMS-Activated
Windows 8.1 (Core) N / KMS-Activated
Windows 8.1 (Core) Single Language / KMS-Activated
Windows 8.1 Pro / KMS-Activated
Windows 8.1 Pro N / KMS-Activated
Windows 8.1 Pro VL / KMS-Activated
Windows 8.1 Pro N VL / KMS-Activated
Windows 8.1 Pro WMC / KMS-Activated
Windows 8.1 Enterprise / KMS-Activated
Windows 8.1 Enterprise N / KMS-Activated
Windows Embedded 8.1 Industry Pro / KMS-Activated
Windows Embedded 8.1 Industry Enterprise / KMS-Activated

Release File: Win81AIO-Update-24in1-x64-en-US-v2-Jun2014.iso
Size: 4.04 GB
SHA-1: 1495969C40F4791E7A140C96D2DB0B411B73E95A

Language: en-US (English - United States)

Added updates:
KB2899189, KB2920189, KB2931366, KB2939153, KB2939576, KB2950153,
KB2954879-v2, KB2956575, KB2957189, KB2957689, KB2958262, KB2962140,
KB2964718, KB2964736, KB2965142, KB2965699, KB2965788, KB2966072,
KB2966804, KB2969817, KB2934018, KB2959977, KB2934520, KB2955164,
KB2965500, KB2962409, KB2969339, KB2973448

Embedded-Only update:

SetupComplete.cmd phase (Pre-Activated indexes only):
Defender exclusion key for AutoKMS
Warning.vbs short 8s non-genuine notification
AutoKMS activation

Tools used:
dism for Image Exports
oscdimg for ISO mastering
Microsoft Diagnostics and Recovery Toolset (DaRT) 8.1
Added Info folder to Windows Setup dir to annoy credit theives
murphy78 diskpart/apply ****** v1.2.4

-NetFx 4.5.2
-Windows 8.1 with Update MSDN/ESD download
-Highly compressed ESD format.
-DaRT 8.1 integrated into boot.wim recovery options.
-UEFI bootdata in addition to BIOS bootdata
-Diskpart/apply ****** with recovery image and multi-boot support v1.2.4*
*To access, press shift-f10 during boot-setup and type: MENU

Important Notes:
-EI.CFG is present. *You will need to extract the iso and delete this
file to upgrade from a previous version of Windows*. You will also want to
allow setup to download updates during upgrade process.

-Please tell me if this version fixes your issues with installs on x64
platforms. I've tested all indexes personally without any problems, but
I have limited hardware to test on. This feedback is important.

**v2 Change**
-Re-examined winre optional dart stuff and I've restored the stock
Winre.wim from each index so that none of the file attributes or
ACL permissions are modified in any way. Perhaps this will help
solve the rare boot-install error.
-There is a weird connection with dism and file attributes and properties.
It's hard to explain, but during my early testing with winre stuff, I
noticed that improper file attributes would make a mount folder unable to
unmount. It could be as simple as not deleting files that were previously
differently attributed, or it could be indicative of a larger problem.


الموضوع الأصلي: Windows 8.1 AIO 24in1 with Update x64 v2 en-US Jun2014-FL || الكاتب: ذكرى || المصدر: منتديات

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Windows 8>1 AIO 24in1 with Update x64 v2 en-US Jun2014-FL

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