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العودة   منتديات شمس الحب > «®™§¤§ منتــديات شمس الحب الآداريــــة §¤§™®» > سلة المحذوفات والمواضيع المكررة

سلة المحذوفات والمواضيع المكررة اي موضوع مكرر ومهيء للحذف تجده هنا

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قديم منذ /07-04-2014, 05:50 PM   #1

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الصورة الرمزية ذكرى

ذكرى غير متواجد حالياً

 رقم العضوية : 9524
 تاريخ التسجيل : 23 - 9 - 2008
 المشاركات : 7,394
 الحكمة المفضلة : United States
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افتراضي Mercedes CD Audio 50 APS V.15 NTG 1 2014-2015

أنا : ذكرى

Mercedes CD Audio 50 APS V.15 NTG 1 2014-2015

Mercedes Audio V.15 2014-2015

Mercedes CD
Audio 50 APS V.15 NTG 1 2014-2015 | 2.8 GB
Languages : German - English - French - Italian - Dutch - Portuguese - Spanish

The edge full DVDs with navigation data for 29 countries in Europe, with streets and roads, towns , villages and many special destinations : Andorra, Belgium , Denmark, Germany , Finland, France , Gibraltar, Greece, Hungary , Ireland, Italy, Liechtenstein , Luxembourg , Monaco, Netherlands , Norway, Austria , Poland, Portugal, San Marino , Sweden, Switzerland , Slovakia, Slovenia , Spain, Czech Republic, Hungary and the Vatican City .

Whole of Western Europe is covered with the version 2014/2015 : Over 9 million kilometers of road navigation knows Europe.

In Eastern Europe, Slovenia and the Czech Republic are next to Greece , Croatia, Poland , the Slovak Republic, completely covered.

In the following countries the prime coverage has been greatly expanded : Slovakia +5 % , Poland +3 %.
Thanks to intensive processing, the quality of the cards in Slovakia was significantly increased ( 20,439 km Prime coverage , compared with 15,590 km in the previous version ) .
With version 2014/2015 a total of 89.649St?dte and communities are to be controlled .
The precise navigation to the desired house number expanded: While the house numbers are recorded in full in the Central and Northern European countries, for the most part , the coverage in the following countries could be improved: Poland +12 %. Nearly 2.3 million particularly important destinations ( Points of Interest - POI) are included on the DVD, for example, gas stations, parking lots, museums , restaurants and hospitals.
Compared to the old version so that now approximately 175 997 more POIs are available.
In addition, shows the navigation system can also be the quickest route to 2,661 Mercedes -Benz service partners.
Only 62 229 restaurants and 10.412Nightlife POIs are also included in the new version 2014/2015 .
Based on the data the Traffic Message Channel ( TMC / RDS) navigation into account current traffic *****s for highways and automatically calculates detours .
This convenient service is now available in all 29 countries.
Map Updates include millions of changes , such as new roads , junctions , bypasses , interchanges and motorway entrance or descents.
A road section can be up to 260 characteristics, such as the number of lanes or one-way streets include .
All of these attributes but also the significant number of points of interest need to be constantly updated.
In this new update , for example, were updated on 38 768 roundabouts , 64,920 turn restrictions , one way streets and 25 696 604 009 street names .
Furthermore, were 1.09385 million kilometers of roads , including updates about 1,091 highway and expressway sections .

Following countires are included:
CD 1: DK, FIN, GB, IRL, N, S
CD 2: A, CH, D, FL, NL
CD 3: B, F, L, MC
CD 4: GR, HR, I, SLO, V
CD 5: AND, E, GBZ, P
CD 6: CZ, H, PL, SK

TMC coverage:
A, B, CH, D, DK, E, F, GB, I, N, NL, S

Compatible car models:
CLS-Klasse (04/08)
E-Klasse (03/02 07/08)
SLK-Klasse (03/04 04/08)

Languages (voice and information):
German - English - French - Italian - Dutch - Portuguese - Spanish




الموضوع الأصلي: Mercedes CD Audio 50 APS V.15 NTG 1 2014-2015 || الكاتب: ذكرى || المصدر: منتديات

شمس الحب

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Mercedes CD Audio 50 APS V>15 NTG 1 2014-2015

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