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قديم منذ /06-27-2014, 06:30 PM   #1

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الصورة الرمزية ذكرى

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 رقم العضوية : 9524
 تاريخ التسجيل : 23 - 9 - 2008
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 الحكمة المفضلة : United States
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افتراضي Nero Burning ROM 2014 15.0.05300 Multilanguage + Crack

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Nero Burning ROM 2014 15.0.05300 Multilanguage + Crack

Nero Burning 2014 15.0.05300 Multilanguage Crack

Burning ROM 2014 15.0.05300 Multilanguage + Crack | 86.94 MB

Nero Burning ROM 2014 is an award-winning software with leading high-quality CD, DVD and Blu-ray Disc Burning and copying technology. It offers you the most advanced disc Burning solution. Nero Burning ROM burns and copies CDs, DVDs and Blu-ray Discs with superb quality, and uses SecurDisc technology to ensure burned ******* remains readable, regardless of scratches, age deteriation. Add advanced security options such as passwd and encryption protection to ensure secure s***e and sharing of confidential infmation. The software gives you full, customized control of your Burning projects. Preserve your photos, videos, music with the most established Burning technology in the industry. Save time with Nero DiscSpan f splitting oversized files to the number of required discs in one go.

Nero Burning ROM 2014 lets you even mix any media type music, photos, videos data onto one disc. Easy to use and even easier to share, the robust Burning solution comes with powerful security and customizable features that go beyond just burning.

Nero Burning ROM 2014 Highlights:
- High quality disc Burning and copying f superi quality playback
- Easy drag-and-drop Burning to CDs, DVDs and Blu-ray Discs
- Split oversized files to burn onto multiple discs at one time
- Ensure data readability regardless of scratches, age deteriation
-Burn DVD-Video, BDMV, and AVCHD compilations
- Rip audio CDs to your PC and convert audio
- Create reliable and secure discs with SecurDisc technology included

Nero Burning ROM 2014 has remained an easy-to-use Burning program that creates discs in just a few steps. You select the disc type to be burned (CD/DVD/Blu-ray), define the project type, add the required data and then start burning.

Using Nero Burning ROM 2014 you can save audio files from an Audio CD to the hard drive. In the process, the files are encoded, i.e. converted into a fmat that the computer can read. The Audio CD can be automatically identified with Gracenote. So called ****data such as title, genre, and track title are accessed by the Gracenote Media Database and associated to the tracks. That way you have audio files that are accurately and fully named after the encoding process.

Nero Burning ROM 2014 Features:
- Advanced, reliable & secure disc burning.
Nero Burning ROM is the application youa??ve trusted f years with your most imptant data. Its advanced disc Burning engine simply lets you burn reliable and secure CDs, DVDs and Blu-ray Discs. With me incredible new features and suppt f Windows 8, therea??s no reason to use anything else.
-Span large files efficiently across multiple discs, automatically
Dona??t waste discs. With Nero DiscSpan, you can split oversized files and burn them to multiple discs. With the all-new Nero DiscSpan SmartFit feature, go even one step further and automatically span the data across the fewest number of discs possible. Even mix disc types to use your optical media economically.
- Little touches that makes all the difference
Now with Nero Burning ROM, you can create CDs, DVDs and Blu-ray Discs that begin playing a defined executable file with an assigned icon automatically when you put them into your PC drive. Ita??s the little touches that make all the difference!
- Stand up to scratches and protect privacy
Inevitably, discs get scratched. But scratched discs dona??t have to become unusable. With Nero SecurDisc technology, your burned data can withstand disc scratches and discs that deteriate from age. Meover SecurDisc technology enables you to create passwd protected data discs f utmost privacy and protection.
- Rip audio from CDs and convert audio
Still one of the easiest ways to make your own compilations and take your favite playlists with you anywhere. Use Nero Burning ROM to rip audio CDs to your PC, remix them and create your own discs to play on your home car stereo. Also convert your audio files to a great variety of high quality audio fmats including APE, FLAC, AIFF, OGG, and me. Set variable bitrates f MP3/MP3 PRO to gain highest quality output with minimum amount of s***e space.
-Easily create and burn disc images
Use ImageRecder to create disc image files easily ? just drag and drop. Burn ISO, NRG, CUE and IMG disc image fmats to CDs, DVDs Blu-ray Disc.
-Disc copy ? Make perfect copies with just a few clicks.
Whether youa??re copying music videos, ita??s easy to make flawless copies of your favite music CDs and movies f playback sharing. Copy music to CDs and even HD movies to Blu-ray Discs quickly and easily.

1. Install with trial mode
2. Copy AdvrCntr6.dll to C:Program Files (x86)Common FilesNeroAdvrCntr6
3. Copy NOSProductRegistration.dll" to C:Program Files (x86)NeroNero 2014Nero Burning ROMOnlineServices
4. Run Nero ControlCenter and registered with KEY:


الموضوع الأصلي: Nero Burning ROM 2014 15.0.05300 Multilanguage + Crack || الكاتب: ذكرى || المصدر: منتديات

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Nero Burning ROM 2014 15>0>05300 Multilanguage + Crack

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