Founded in 1998, the U.S. company Digital Film Tools specializes in the production of software modules that provide a diverse set of Tools that meet the requirements of professional developers visual effects, video editors and photographers. Understanding the basics of photo editing technology enables developers and video company to create productive, easy-to-use software products that are highly sought after by professional designers worldwide.
Digital Film Tools plug-ins for Photo and Video Hosts
DFT FilmStocks
DFT PhotoCopy
DFT Rays
DFT reFine
Digital Film Tools plug-ins for Aperture and/or Photoshop
DFT Light
DFT Ozone
DFT PowerMask
DFT PowerStroke
DFT Snap
Digital Film Tools plug-ins for After Effects
DFT PowerMatte (x64)
DFT PowerStroke (x64)
Digital Film Tools plug-ins for Video Hosts
DFT Composite Suite Pro
The procedure for treatment:
The entire treatment procedure is described in the archives with the patch or on the patch.
A few examples ...
For DFT Ozone
1.Patch applied to files or folders in the following path:
/ Library / Application Support / Aperture / Plug-Ins / Ozone.ApertureExport
/ Applications / Digital Film Tools / Ozone v2.5 Photoshop / DFT Ozone v2.5/Ozone.plugin
Activation Instructions:
After applying the patch, wait until the patch is written, "successful"
2. Open the application and run a plugin
- Block outgoing connections
3.Zakryt dialog box appears if 'License data is missing'
4. On the next screen choose 'Activate' and click 'Next'
5. Entered in the Product Code - ABCD-ABCD-ABCD-ABCD-ABCD and click 'Next'
6. Choose 'Telephone Activation'
7. Enter any 11-digit code and click 'Activate' (if required - in the next window, enter the fields with - any data)
If followed by a proposal to register the plugin on the ***site do not do this and refrain from visiting the site office.
To plug in the archive which have the license files
On the example of Tools Film Stocks
Activation Instructions:
- At the time of activation disable network int-t
1. Open patch and in turn find the following files (the path to the file is written below) and wait until the successful activation and close the patch.
Apply the patch:
FilmStocks1.5.plugin (for After Effects / Premiere)
/ Library / Application Support / Adobe / Common / Plug-ins / - - - / MediaCore / DFT Film Stocks v1.5/FilmStocks1.5.plugin
DFT FilmStocks v1.5.fxplug (for Final Cut Pro)
/ Applications / Digital Film Tools / Film Stocks v1.5/DFT FilmStocks v1.5.fxplug (for Photoshop / Lightroom / Aperture)
/ Applications / Digital Film Tools / Film Stocks v1.5/
FilmStocks-1.5.avx (for Avid)
/ Applications / Digital Film Tools / Film Stocks v1.5/FilmStocks-1.5.avx.
2. After installation, start applying the patch-plugin
- For PS window pops up with the warning "about the inability to find a license" click OK and continue registration
In the activation, select 'Activate Film Stocks' and click 'Next'
Enter the serial number ABCD-ABCD-ABCD-ABCD-ABCD in the Product Code field and click 'Next'
In the next step choose 'Install License File' and click 'Next'
Click 'Choose license file' and select the license file (in koplekte)
For photo
SPK FilmStocks v1 Photo.lic
SPK FilmStocks v1 Video.lic
3. You can use plugins.
READ the README included in the archives and / or the info in patchers
Info, targets to patch and licensing instructions are all included
For [SP] 's that contain a Photo license file: If you use Aperture (MAS version), you won't be able to use the included license file for activation because of
sandboxing restrictions. Simply activate another Photo host application (Photoshop, Lightroom) and the license will apply to Aperture.
Block outgoing connections with Little Snitch
System requirements:
- Adobe After Effects CS5 and up
- Adobe Premiere Pro CS5 and up
- Apple Final Cut Pro 6/7/X
- Apple Motion 5
- Adobe Photoshop CS3 and up
- Apple Photoshop Lightroom 3 and up
- Apple Aperture 3 and up
- Avid Symphony, Media Composer, Newscutter, Xpress Pro
- Macintosh Multicore 64 Bit Intel processor
- Mac OSX 10.7.x - OSX 10.9.x