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العودة   منتديات شمس الحب > «®™§¤§ منتــديات شمس الحب الآداريــــة §¤§™®» > سلة المحذوفات والمواضيع المكررة

سلة المحذوفات والمواضيع المكررة اي موضوع مكرر ومهيء للحذف تجده هنا

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قديم منذ /06-04-2014, 08:03 PM   #1

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الصورة الرمزية ذكرى

ذكرى غير متواجد حالياً

 رقم العضوية : 9524
 تاريخ التسجيل : 23 - 9 - 2008
 المشاركات : 7,394
 الحكمة المفضلة : United States
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افتراضي Nuance Power Pdf Advanced v1.0 (x86/x64)

أنا : ذكرى

Nuance Power Pdf Advanced v1.0 (x86/x64)

Power PDF Advanced is a smart, yet simple-to-use PDF converter solution designed to empower enterprise business users with the tools to create, convert and securely share PDF files across the company.
Seamless deployment

Customizable functionality
Supports Windows Terminal Services (WTS) and Citrix deployments and offers a configurator tool that enables your IT to choose the functionality that works for your users.

Customizable workflows
Includes an API layer for controlling functions within the application so you can create custom-quoted workflows that align with internal policies and procedures.

Value and accessibility
Flexible licensing programs with no seat counting or auditing enables you to predict your budget for your PDF needs, while offering significant cost savings.

Unmatched support
Responsive technical support is available via phone and email. Nuance also offers a robust self-help knowledge base available online to mitigate additional burden on IT.

Create & convert

Create PDF files from virtually any PC application
Instantly create 100% industry-standard, fully compatible PDF files. Add bookmarks and transfer hyperlinks when creating PDF ********s from Microsoft Word, Excel and PowerPoint.

Never retype another ********
Accurately convert PDF files to Microsoft Word, Excel, PowerPoint, and Corel WordPerfect ********s with columns, tables and graphics intact.

Collect information from forms
Export information contained in filled-in forms so you can sort, search and analyze the data using popular file types like XFDF, XML, TXT and CSV.

Convert legal ********s
Use the Power PDF Converter assistant to convert legal pleadings into PDFs with stamp and line numbering options.

Custom stamping
Bates stamping enables you to create custom profiles for stamping information into headers and footers.

Collaborate & edit

Side-by-side ******** comparison
Quickly identify differences between two versions of a ******** with a side-by-side comparison tool that accurately highlights changes in **** and visuals and provides a summary report of all changes.

Share multiple files - no zipping necessary
Combine files of multiple types into a PDF without changing the original file type. Microsoft Office users can view and edit ********s directly within a PDF Portfolio.

Get word-processing capabilities in your PDF
Advanced editing functionality converts PDF files into dynamic PDF ********s with full word-processing capabilities-all at the click of a button.

Voice-controlled note taking
Integrated Dragon? Notes speech recognition allows you to quickly and accurately capture notes within your PDF files by speaking them instead of using the keyboard.

Perform smarter searches
Perform intelligent "Looks Like" search to quickly find *******, like phone numbers, email addresses and Social Security numbers, via an alphanumeric pattern.

Compliance checker
Automatically *** and/or fix PDF files with non-critical PDF/A or 508 compliance problems.

Access & security

Connect to the cloud
Now you can save and access your stored ********s in the Cloud by connecting directly to Box, Google Docs?, Windows Live? SkyDrive?, Office 365, Evernote? and Dropbox. This gives you access to your ********s anytime, anywhere through the *** or supported mobile devices.

Scan and mark with one click
Scan with auto find-and-mark technology to automatically find words in the scanned ******** and mark them with redaction (black-out) highlights, underlines or cross-outs.

******** management support
Integrates with popular ******** management systems to enable enterprises to seamlessly work with their ********s within a streamlined process.

Enhance ******** security
Add passwords with secure 128-bit or 256-bit AES encryption and permission controls to PDF files to control ******** viewing, printing and modifications. Use the Advanced redaction capabilities and automatically inspect ********s and remove sensitive data for safe, secure ******** sharing.

Digital Rights Management support
Integration with FileOpen? Digital Rights Management software prevents copying, forwarding, save as, printing, and searching of PDF files that have this security enabled.


الموضوع الأصلي: Nuance Power Pdf Advanced v1.0 (x86/x64) || الكاتب: ذكرى || المصدر: منتديات

شمس الحب

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Nuance Power Pdf Advanced v1>0 (x86Lx64)

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غرفة هاماشي للعب Yu-Gi-Oh! Power of Chaos Joey The Passion غرام الورد سلة المحذوفات والمواضيع المكررة 0 05-12-2012 06:41 AM
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