منذ / 05-03-2013, 11:51 PM
محبوب vib
رقم العضوية : 9524 تاريخ التسجيل : 23 - 9 - 2008 المشاركات : 7,394 الحكمة المفضلة : United States SMS : Female
مساعدة مشكلة لايستجيب وبطيء الجهاز بسم الله رحمن الرحيم
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
مشكلة جهازي بطيئ وكل شوي يظهر عبارة " لا يستجيب "
وبطئ جدا مثل افتح المتصفح مايفتح سريع يطول
واحيانا اذا فتحت اي برامج بعدها يقولي لا يستجيب التقرير هنا كود PHP:
Logfile of Trend Micro HijackThis v2.0.2
Scan saved at 10 : 00 : 50 م , on 03 / 05 / 13
Platform : Unknown Windows ( WinNT 6.01.3505 SP1 ) MSIE : Internet Explorer v10.0 ( 10.00.9200.16537 ) Boot mode : Normal
Running processes : C : Windowssystem32taskhost . exe
C : Windowssystem32Dwm . exe
C : Program FilesOceanisSystemSettingWallPaperAgent . exe
C : WindowsExplorer . exe
C : WindowsSystem32igfxtray . exe
C : WindowsSystem32hkcmd . exe
C : WindowsSystem32igfxpers . exe
C : Windowssystem32igfxsrvc . exe
C : Program FilesBluetooth SuiteBtvStack . exe
C : Program FilesBluetooth SuiteAthBtTray . exe
C : Program FilesLaunch ManagerLManager . exe
C : Program FilesSynapticsSynTPSynTPEnh . exe
C : Program FilesRealtekAudioHDARtHDVCpl . exe
C : Program FilesAcerAcer ePower ManagementePowerTray . exe
C : Program FilesRealRealPlayerUpdaterealsched . exe
C : Program FilesCommon FilesResearch In MotionUSB DriversRIMBBLaunchAgent . exe
C : Program FilesLaunch ManagerLMworker . exe
C : Program FilesSynapticsSynTPSynTPHelper . exe
C : Windowssystem32igfxext . exe
C : Windowssystem32wbemunsecapp . exe
C : Program FilesCommon Files******** Updatejusched . exe
C : Program FilesInternet Download ManagerIDMan . exe
C : Program FilesNokiaNokia SuiteNokiaSuite . exe
C : Program FilesWindows Sidebarsidebar . exe
C : Program FilesSkypePhoneSkype . exe
C : Program FilesAcerAcer VCMAcerVCM . exe
C : WindowsLion Skin PackDeskDriveDeskDrive . exe
C : WindowsLion Skin PackmaComfortmaComfort . exe
C : WindowsLion Skin PackRocketDockRocketDock . exe
C : WindowsLion Skin PackUberIconUberIcon . exe
C : WindowsLion Skin PackWinLaunchWinLaunch . exe
C : WindowsLion Skin PackWinrollwinroll . exe
C : WindowsLion Skin Packxwidgetxwidget . exe
C : WindowsLion Skin PackYzShadowYzShadow . exe
C : WindowsSystem32ACF7EF74BE16 . EXE
C : Program FilesInternet Download ManagerIEMonitor . exe
C : Program FilesHotspot Shieldbinopenvpntray . exe
C : Program FilesMozilla Firefoxfirefox . exe
C : Windowssystem32taskeng . exe
C : Program FilesEgisTec IPSPMMUpdate . exe
C : Program FilesEgisTec IPSEgisUpdate . exe
C : Program FilesMozilla Firefoxplugin - container . exe
C : Windowssystem32MacromedFlashFlashPlayerPlugin_11_6_602_180 . exe
C : Windowssystem32MacromedFlashFlashPlayerPlugin_11_6_602_180 . exe
C : Program Filesmcafee . comagentmcagent . exe
C : Windowssystem32taskhost . exe
C : Program FilesAcerAcer VCMVc . exe
C : Windowssystem32DllHost . exe
C : Program FilesTrend MicroHijackThisHijackThis . exe
R1 - HKCUSoftwareMicrosoftInternet ExplorerMain , Default_Page_URL = http : //acer.msn.com R1 - HKCUSoftwareMicrosoftInternet ExplorerMain , Search Page = http : //go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=54896 R0 - HKCUSoftwareMicrosoftInternet ExplorerMain , Start Page = https : //www.google.com.sa/ R1 - HKLMSoftwareMicrosoftInternet ExplorerMain , Default_Page_URL = http : //go.microsoft.com/fwlink/p/?LinkId=255141 R1 - HKLMSoftwareMicrosoftInternet ExplorerMain , Default_Search_URL = http : //go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=54896 R1 - HKLMSoftwareMicrosoftInternet ExplorerMain , Search Page = http : //go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=54896 R0 - HKLMSoftwareMicrosoftInternet ExplorerMain , Start Page = http : //go.microsoft.com/fwlink/p/?LinkId=255141 R0 - HKLMSoftwareMicrosoftInternet ExplorerSearch , SearchAssistant = R0 - HKLMSoftwareMicrosoftInternet ExplorerSearch , CustomizeSearch = R0 - HKCUSoftwareMicrosoftInternet ExplorerToolbar , LinksFolderName = R3 - URLSearchHook : McAfee SiteAdvisor Toolbar - { 0EBBBE48 - BAD4 - 4B4C - 8E5A - 516ABECAE064 } - c : PROGRA ~ 1mcafeeSITEAD ~ 1mcieplg . dll
R3 - URLSearchHook : Hotspot Shield Toolbar - { c95a4e8e - 816d - 4655 - 8c79 - d736da1adb6d } - C : Program FilesHotspot_ShieldprxtbHots . dll
O2 - BHO : IDM Helper - { 0055C089 - 8582 - 441B - A0BF - 17B458C2A3A8 } - C : Program FilesInternet Download ManagerIDMIECC . dll
O2 - BHO : Lyrics Monkey - { 18CAEA74 - C7E8 - 4D37 - 967F - 1D01351BA398 } - C : Program FilesLyricsMonkeylyricsmonkey . dll
O2 - BHO : AcroIEHelperStub - { 18DF081C - E8AD - 4283 - A596 - FA578C2EBDC3 } - C : Program FilesCommon FilesAdobeAcrobatActiveXAcroIEHelperShim . dll
O2 - BHO : Babylon toolbar helper - { 2EECD738 - 5844 - 4a99 - B4B6 - 146BF802613B } - C : Program FilesBabylonToolbarBabylonToolbar1.8.4.9bhBabylonToolbar . dll
O2 - BHO : RealPlayer Download and Record Plugin for Internet Explorer - { 3049C3E9 - B461 - 4BC5 - 8870 - 4C09146192CA } - C : ProgramDataRealRealPlayerBrowserRecordPluginIErpbrowserrecor dplugin . dll
O2 - BHO : Alnaddy . com Helper Object - { 55928DD2 - 8878 - 4275 - AAB3 - B3A09A67A1EB } - C : Program FilesAlnaddy . comalnaddyToolbar1.8.4.9bhalnaddyToolbar . dll
O2 - BHO : BrotherSoft Extreme3 - { 62d40876 - df18 - 411f - 9d34 - a9dd7a197bc5 } - C : Program FilesBrotherSoft_Extreme3prxtbBrot . dll
O2 - BHO : **** ( tm ) Plug - In SSV Helper - { 761497BB - D6F0 - 462C - B6EB - D4DAF1D92D43 } - C : Program Files****jre7binssv . dll
O2 - BHO : ******proxy - { 7DB2D5A0 - 7241 - 4E79 - B68D - 6309F01C5231 } - C : Program FilesCommon FilesMcAfeeSystemCore******Sn.20120802235946 . dll
O2 - BHO : IESpeakDoc - { 8D10F6C4 - 0E01 - 4BD4 - 8601 - 11AC1FDF8126 } - C : Program FilesBluetooth SuiteIEPlugIn . dll
O2 - BHO : Windows Live ID Sign - in Helper - { 9030D464 - 4C02 - 4ABF - 8ECC - 5164760863C6 } - C : Program FilesCommon FilesMicrosoft SharedWindows LiveWindowsLiveLogin . dll
O2 - BHO : DealPly - { A6174F27 - 1FFF - E1D6 - A93F - BA48AD5DD448 } - C : Program FilesDealPlyDealPlyIE . dll
O2 - BHO : SkypeIEPluginBHO - { AE805869 - 2E5C - 4ED4 - 8F7B - F1F7851A4497 } - C : Program FilesSkypeToolbarsInternet Explorerskypeieplugin . dll
O2 - BHO : McAfee SiteAdvisor BHO - { B164E929 - A1B6 - 4A06 - B104 - 2CD0E90A88FF } - c : PROGRA ~ 1mcafeeSITEAD ~ 1mcieplg . dll
O2 - BHO : Hotspot Shield - { c95a4e8e - 816d - 4655 - 8c79 - d736da1adb6d } - C : Program FilesHotspot_ShieldprxtbHots . dll
O2 - BHO : Bing Bar Helper - { d2ce3e00 - f94a - 4740 - 988e-03dc2f38c34f } - "C:\Program Files\Microsoft\BingBar\BingExt.dll" ( file missing ) O2 - BHO : Windows 7 Starter Helper - { D381FF29 - 7CFB - 4D4E - B92A - C4EDDC696614 } - C : Program FilesOceanisSystemSettingStarterHelper . dll
O2 - BHO : **** ( tm ) Plug - In 2 SSV Helper - { DBC80044 - A445 - 435b - BC74 - 9C25C1C588A9 } - C : Program Files****jre7binjp2ssv . dll
O2 - BHO : Hotspot Shield Class - { F9E4A054 - E9B1 - 4BC3 - 83A3 - 76A1AE736170 } - C : Program FilesHotspot ShieldHssIEHssIE . dll
O3 - Toolbar : McAfee SiteAdvisor Toolbar - { 0EBBBE48 - BAD4 - 4B4C - 8E5A - 516ABECAE064 } - c : PROGRA ~ 1mcafeeSITEAD ~ 1mcieplg . dll
O3 - Toolbar : Bing Bar - { 8dcb7100 - df86 - 4384 - 8842 - 8fa844297b3f } - "C:\Program Files\Microsoft\BingBar\BingExt.dll" ( file missing ) O3 - Toolbar : Babylon Toolbar - { 98889811 - 442D - 49dd - 99D7 - DC866BE87DBC } - C : Program FilesBabylonToolbarBabylonToolbar1.8.4.9BabylonToolbarTlbr . dll
O3 - Toolbar : BrotherSoft Extreme3 Toolbar - { 62d40876 - df18 - 411f - 9d34 - a9dd7a197bc5 } - C : Program FilesBrotherSoft_Extreme3prxtbBrot . dll
O3 - Toolbar : Hotspot Shield Toolbar - { c95a4e8e - 816d - 4655 - 8c79 - d736da1adb6d } - C : Program FilesHotspot_ShieldprxtbHots . dll
O3 - Toolbar : Alnaddy . com Toolbar - { CD3AED25 - 23AB - 4543 - B915 - 159449C37197 } - C : Program FilesAlnaddy . comalnaddyToolbar1.8.4.9alnaddyToolbarTlbr . dll
O4 - HKLM .. Run : [ mcui_exe ] "C:\Program Files\McAfee.com\Agent\mcagent.exe" / runkey
O4 - HKLM .. Run : [ SuiteTray ] "C:\Program Files\EgisTec MyWinLockerSuite\x86\SuiteTray.exe" O4 - HKLM .. Run : [ Norton Online Backup ] C : Program FilesSymantecNorton Online BackupNOBuClient . exe
O4 - HKLM .. Run : [ Adobe ARM ] "C:\Program Files\Common Files\Adobe\ARM\1.0\AdobeARM.exe" O4 - HKLM .. Run : [ IgfxTray ] C : Windowssystem32igfxtray . exe
O4 - HKLM .. Run : [ HotKeysCmds ] C : Windowssystem32hkcmd . exe
O4 - HKLM .. Run : [ Persistence ] C : Windowssystem32igfxpers . exe
O4 - HKLM .. Run : [ GfxServiceInstall ] C : Windowssystem32GfxCUIServiceInstall . vbs
O4 - HKLM .. Run : [ AtherosBtStack ] "C:\Program Files\Bluetooth Suite\BtvStack.exe" O4 - HKLM .. Run : [ AthBtTray ] "C:\Program Files\Bluetooth Suite\AthBtTray.exe" O4 - HKLM .. Run : [ LManager ] C : Program FilesLaunch ManagerLManager . exe
O4 - HKLM .. Run : [ SynTPEnh ] % ProgramFiles % SynapticsSynTPSynTPEnh . exe
O4 - HKLM .. Run : [ RTHDVCPL ] C : Program FilesRealtekAudioHDARtHDVCpl . exe - s
O4 - HKLM .. Run : [ Power Management ] C : Program FilesAcerAcer ePower ManagementePowerTray . exe
O4 - HKLM .. Run : [ TkBellExe ] "c:\program files\real\realplayer\Update\realsched.exe" - osboot
O4 - HKLM .. Run : [ RIMBBLaunchAgent . exe ] C : Program FilesCommon FilesResearch In MotionUSB DriversRIMBBLaunchAgent . exe
O4 - HKLM .. Run : [ AdobeAAMUpdater - 1.0 ] "C:\Program Files\Common Files\Adobe\OOBE\PDApp\UWA\UpdaterStartupUtility.exe" O4 - HKLM .. Run : [ SwitchBoard ] C : Program FilesCommon FilesAdobeSwitchBoardSwitchBoard . exe
O4 - HKLM .. Run : [ AdobeCS5ServiceManager ] "C:\Program Files\Common Files\Adobe\CS5ServiceManager\CS5ServiceManager.exe" - launchedbylogin
O4 - HKLM .. Run : [ Sun****UpdateSched ] "C:\Program Files\Common Files\****\**** Update\jusched.exe" O4 - HKLM .. Run : [ APSDaemon ] "C:\Program Files\Common Files\Apple\Apple Application Support\APSDaemon.exe" O4 - HKLM .. Run : [ QuickTime Task ] "C:\Program Files\QuickTime\QTTask.exe" - atboottime
O4 - HKCU .. Run : [ IDMan ] C : Program FilesInternet Download ManagerIDMan . exe / onboot
O4 - HKCU .. Run : [ NokiaSuite . exe ] C : Program FilesNokiaNokia SuiteNokiaSuite . exe - tray
O4 - HKCU .. Run : [ Sidebar ] C : Program FilesWindows Sidebarsidebar . exe / autoRun
O4 - HKCU .. Run : [ Skype ] "C:\Program Files\Skype\Phone\Skype.exe" / minimized / regrun
O4 - HKUSS - 1 - 5 - 19 .. Run : [ Sidebar ] % ProgramFiles % Windows SidebarSidebar . exe / autoRun ( User 'LOCAL SERVICE' ) O4 - HKUSS - 1 - 5 - 19 .. RunOnce : [ mctadmin ] C : WindowsSystem32mctadmin . exe ( User 'LOCAL SERVICE' ) O4 - HKUSS - 1 - 5 - 20 .. Run : [ Sidebar ] % ProgramFiles % Windows SidebarSidebar . exe / autoRun ( User 'NETWORK SERVICE' ) O4 - HKUSS - 1 - 5 - 20 .. RunOnce : [ mctadmin ] C : WindowsSystem32mctadmin . exe ( User 'NETWORK SERVICE' ) O4 - HKUSS - 1 - 5 - 18 .. RunOnce : [ IsMyWinLockerReboot ] msiexec . exe / qn / x { voidguid } ( User 'SYSTEM' ) O4 - HKUS .DEFAULT.. RunOnce : [ IsMyWinLockerReboot ] msiexec . exe / qn / x { voidguid } ( User 'Default user' ) O4 - Startup : 74BE16 . lnk = C : WindowsSystem32ACF7EF74BE16 . EXE
O4 - Global Startup : Acer VCM . lnk = ? O4 - Global Startup : Adobe Gamma Loader . lnk = C : Program FilesCommon FilesAdobeCalibrationAdobe Gamma Loader . exe
O4 - Global Startup : DeskDrive . lnk = C : WindowsLion Skin PackDeskDriveDeskDrive . exe
O4 - Global Startup : Finderbar . lnk = C : WindowsLion Skin PackFinderbarFinderbar . exe
O4 - Global Startup : maComfort . lnk = C : WindowsLion Skin PackmaComfortmaComfort . exe
O4 - Global Startup : RocketDock . lnk = C : WindowsLion Skin PackRocketDockRocketDock . exe
O4 - Global Startup : UberIcon . lnk = C : WindowsLion Skin PackUberIconUberIcon . exe
O4 - Global Startup : WinLaunch . lnk = C : WindowsLion Skin PackWinLaunchWinLaunch . exe
O4 - Global Startup : Winroll . lnk = C : WindowsLion Skin PackWinrollwinroll . exe
O4 - Global Startup : xwidget . lnk = C : WindowsLion Skin Packxwidgetxwidget . exe
O4 - Global Startup : YzShadow . lnk = C : WindowsLion Skin PackYzShadowYzShadow . exe
O8 - Extra con**** menu item : تحميل الكل بواسطة Internet Download Manager - C : Program FilesInternet Download ManagerIEGetAll . htm
O8 - Extra con**** menu item : تحميل بواسطة Internet Download Manager - C : Program FilesInternet Download ManagerIEExt . htm
O8 - Extra con**** menu item : تحميل محتوى FLV بواسطة Internet Download Manager - C : Program FilesInternet Download ManagerIEGetVL . htm
O9 - Extra button : @ C : Program FilesWindows LiveWriterWindowsLiveWriterShortcuts . dll ,- 1004 - { 219C3416 - 8CB2 - 491a - A3C7 - D9FCDDC9D600 } - C : Program FilesWindows LiveWriterWriterBrowserExtension . dll
O9 - Extra 'Tools' menuitem : @ C : Program FilesWindows LiveWriterWindowsLiveWriterShortcuts . dll ,- 1003 - { 219C3416 - 8CB2 - 491a - A3C7 - D9FCDDC9D600 } - C : Program FilesWindows LiveWriterWriterBrowserExtension . dll
O9 - Extra button : ( no name ) - { 7815BE26 - 237D - 41A8 - A98F - F7BD75F71086 } - C : Program FilesBluetooth SuiteIEPlugIn . dll
O9 - Extra 'Tools' menuitem : Send by Bluetooth to - { 7815BE26 - 237D - 41A8 - A98F - F7BD75F71086 } - C : Program FilesBluetooth SuiteIEPlugIn . dll
O9 - Extra button : Skype Click to Call - { 898EA8C8 - E7FF - 479B - 8935 - AEC46303B9E5 } - C : Program FilesSkypeToolbarsInternet Explorerskypeieplugin . dll
O9 - Extra button : @ C : Program FilesEvernoteEvernoteResource . dll ,- 101 - { A95fe080 - 8f5d - 11d2 - a20b - 00aa003c157a } - res : //C:\Program Files\Evernote\Evernote\EvernoteIE.dll/204 (file missing) O9 - Extra 'Tools' menuitem : @ C : Program FilesEvernoteEvernoteResource . dll ,- 101 - { A95fe080 - 8f5d - 11d2 - a20b - 00aa003c157a } - res : //C:\Program Files\Evernote\Evernote\EvernoteIE.dll/204 (file missing) O10 - Unknown file in Winsock LSP : c : program filescommon filesmicrosoft sharedwindows livewlidnsp . dll
O10 - Unknown file in Winsock LSP : c : program filescommon filesmicrosoft sharedwindows livewlidnsp . dll
O11 - Options group : [ ACCELERATED_GRAPHICS ] Accelerated graphics
O13 - Gopher Prefix : O18 - Protocol : dssrequest - { 5513F07E - 936B - 4E52 - 9B00 - 067394E91CC5 } - c : PROGRA ~ 1mcafeeSITEAD ~ 1mcieplg . dll
O18 - Protocol : sacore - { 5513F07E - 936B - 4E52 - 9B00 - 067394E91CC5 } - c : PROGRA ~ 1mcafeeSITEAD ~ 1mcieplg . dll
O18 - Protocol : skype - ie - addon - data - { 91774881 - D725 - 4E58 - B298 - 07617B9B86A8 } - C : Program FilesSkypeToolbarsInternet Explorerskypeieplugin . dll
O18 - Protocol : skype4com - { FFC8B962 - 9B40 - 4DFF - 9458 - 1830C7DD7F5D } - C : PROGRA ~ 1COMMON ~ 1SkypeSKYPE4 ~ 1.DLL
O18 - Protocol : wlpg - { E43EF6CD - A37A - 4A9B - 9E6F - 83F89B8E6324 } - C : Program FilesWindows LivePhoto GalleryAlbumDownloadProtocolHandler . dll
O18 - Filter : application / x - mfe - ipt - { 3EF5086B - 5478 - 4598 - A054 - 786C45D75692 } - c : progra ~ 1mcafeemscmcsniepl . dll
O23 - Service : McAfee Application Installer Cleanup ( 0225691367599961 ) ( 0225691367599961mcinstcleanup ) - McAfee , Inc . - C : WindowsTEMP022569 ~ 1.EXE
O23 - Service : Adobe Acrobat Update Service ( AdobeARMservice ) - Adobe Systems Incorporated - C : Program FilesCommon FilesAdobeARM1.0armsvc . exe
O23 - Service : Adobe Flash Player Update Service ( AdobeFlashPlayerUpdateSvc ) - Adobe Systems Incorporated - C : Windowssystem32MacromedFlashFlashPlayerUpdateService . exe
O23 - Service : AtherosSvc - Atheros Commnucations - C : Program FilesBluetooth Suiteadminservice . exe
O23 - Service : Dritek WMI Service ( DsiWMIService ) - Dritek System Inc . - C : Program FilesLaunch Managerdsiwmis . exe
O23 - Service : EgisTec Ticket Service - Egis Technology Inc . - C : Program FilesCommon FilesEgisTecServicesEgisTicketService . exe
O23 - Service : ePower Service ( ePowerSvc ) - Acer Incorporated - C : Program FilesAcerAcer ePower ManagementePowerSvc . exe
O23 - Service : FLEXnet Licensing Service - Acresso Software Inc . - C : Program FilesCommon FilesMacrovision SharedFLEXnet PublisherFNPLicensingService . exe
O23 - Service : GamesAppService - WildTangent , Inc . - C : Program FilesWildTangent GamesAppGamesAppService . exe
O23 - Service : GREGService - Acer Incorporated - C : Program FilesAcerRegistrationGREGsvc . exe
O23 - Service : خدمة Google Update ( gupdate ) ( gupdate ) - Google Inc . - C : Program FilesGoogleUpdateGoogleUpdate . exe
O23 - Service : خدمة Google Update ( gupdatem ) ( gupdatem ) - Google Inc . - C : Program FilesGoogleUpdateGoogleUpdate . exe
O23 - Service : Hotspot Shield Service ( hshld ) - AnchorFree Inc . - C : Program FilesHotspot Shieldbinopenvpnas . exe
O23 - Service : Hotspot Shield Routing Service ( HssSrv ) - AnchorFree Inc . - C : Program FilesHotspot ShieldHssWPRhsssrv . exe
O23 - Service : Hotspot Shield Tray Service ( HssTrayService ) - Unknown owner - C : Program FilesHotspot ShieldbinHssTrayService . EXE
O23 - Service : Hotspot Shield Monitoring Service ( HssWd ) - Unknown owner - C : Program FilesHotspot Shieldbinhsswd . exe
O23 - Service : Intel ( R ) Rapid Storage Technology ( IAStorDataMgrSvc ) - Intel Corporation - C : Program FilesIntelIntel ( R ) Rapid Storage TechnologyIAStorDataMgrSvc . exe
O23 - Service : IconMan_R - Realsil Microelectronics Inc . - C : Program FilesRealtekRealtek PCIE Card ReaderRIconMan . exe
O23 - Service : Live Updater Service - Acer Incorporated - C : Program FilesAcerAcer UpdaterUpdaterService . exe
O23 - Service : McAfee SiteAdvisor Service - McAfee , Inc . - C : Program FilesCommon FilesMcafeeMcSvcHostMcSvHost . exe
O23 - Service : McAfee Activation Service ( McAWFwk ) - McAfee , Inc . - c : PROGRA ~ 1mcafeemscmcawfwk . exe
O23 - Service : McAfee Personal Firewall Service ( McMPFSvc ) - McAfee , Inc . - C : Program FilesCommon FilesMcafeeMcSvcHostMcSvHost . exe
O23 - Service : McAfee Services ( mcmscsvc ) - McAfee , Inc . - C : Program FilesCommon FilesmcafeeMcSvcHostMcSvHost . exe
O23 - Service : McAfee VirusScan Announcer ( McNaiAnn ) - McAfee , Inc . - C : Program FilesCommon FilesmcafeeMcSvcHostMcSvHost . exe
O23 - Service : McAfee Network Agent ( McNASvc ) - McAfee , Inc . - C : Program FilesCommon FilesmcafeeMcSvcHostMcSvHost . exe
O23 - Service : McAfee Scanner ( McODS ) - McAfee , Inc . - C : Program FilesMcAfeeVirusScanmcods . exe
O23 - Service : McAfee Proxy Service ( McProxy ) - McAfee , Inc . - C : Program FilesCommon FilesmcafeeMcSvcHostMcSvHost . exe
O23 - Service : McAfee McShield ( McShield ) - McAfee , Inc . - C : Program FilesCommon FilesMcAfeeSystemCoremcshield . exe
O23 - Service : McAfee Firewall Core Service ( mfefire ) - McAfee , Inc . - C : Program FilesCommon FilesMcAfeeSystemCoremfefire . exe
O23 - Service : McAfee Validation Trust Protection Service ( mfevtp ) - McAfee , Inc . - C : Windowssystem32mfevtps . exe
O23 - Service : Mozilla Maintenance Service ( MozillaMaintenance ) - Mozilla Foundation - C : Program FilesMozilla Maintenance Servicemaintenanceservice . exe
O23 - Service : McAfee Anti - Spam Service ( MSK80Service ) - McAfee , Inc . - C : Program FilesCommon FilesMcafeeMcSvcHostMcSvHost . exe
O23 - Service : Norton Online Backup ( NOBU ) - Symantec Corporation - C : Program FilesSymantecNorton Online BackupNOBuAgent . exe
O23 - Service : Raw Socket Service ( RS_Service ) - Acer Incorporated - C : Program FilesAcerAcer VCMRS_Service . exe
O23 - Service : ServiceLayer - Nokia - C : Program FilesPC Connectivity SolutionServiceLayer . exe
O23 - Service : Skype C2C Service - Skype Technologies S . A . - C : ProgramDataSkypeToolbarsSkype C2C Servicec2c_service . exe
O23 - Service : Skype Updater ( SkypeUpdate ) - Skype Technologies - C : Program FilesSkypeUpdaterUpdater . exe
O23 - Service : SwitchBoard - Adobe Systems Incorporated - C : Program FilesCommon FilesAdobeSwitchBoardSwitchBoard . exe -- End of file - 18606 bytes
شمس الحب
تستطيع المشاركة هنا والرد على الموضوع ومشاركة رأيك عبر حسابك في الفيس بوك
lshu]m la;gm ghdsj[df ,f'dx hg[ih.
آخــر مواضيعـى » رابط التقديم للحصول على مكافاة العاطلين,موقع تقديم العاطلين,موقع وزارة العمل » تحميل ماسنجر 9 برابط مباشر شغال 100%,ماسنجر تسعة,تحميل الماسنجر الجديد » مطعم في نيويورك للعراة فقط (صور عراة) والله حالة » نور دربي mp3 انشودة عبدالمجيد الفوزان استماع تحميل,فيديو كليب نور دربي » وفاة الفنان ناصر القصبي,مقتل الفنان ناصر القصبي,وفاة ناصر القصبي مقتولا/إشاعة منتشرة
ياحبيبي كل شيء بقضاء
مابـإيـديـنا خـلقتنا تعساء