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قديم منذ /03-24-2009, 02:26 PM   #1

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الصورة الرمزية ذكرى

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افتراضي Rock Climbing Christmas Gift Ideas

أنا : ذكرى

rock climbing christmas gift Ideas

We all know someone who's idea of a good time is hanging off cliffs. If you're looking for christmas gift ideas for a rock climbing enthusiast, here's some unique rock climbing gift ideas.

Rock climbing gift Ideas

You can always tell a rock climber by their appearance. White chalk fingers, bleeding knuckles, bent fingers and�a grin a mile wide. Whether they are climbing in indoor climbing gyms or hanging off Half Dome in Yosemite, rock climbers are very receptive to rock climbing gifts. Here are a few gift ideas that will make you a favorite with them.

1. rock climbing Gym � Most metropolitan areas now have rock climbing gyms. These gyms are typically indoor areas where rock climbers can work on their techniques. Walls come in a variety of terrains and with differing holds. Membership costs range all over the place, but climbers will love the gift. This is a particular good rock climbing gift idea for people living in big cities and who can't head off for an afternoon of knuckle crunching.

2. Climb International DVD � The Climb International DVD is a highly recommended financial planning tool for rock climbers. Why? Well, the DVD contains climbs from exotic locations such as Thailand and China. After watching the DVD, the average rock climber will suddenly start saving every penny from their paycheck, rolling nickels and generally being as cheap as possible. The goal? To save enough money to travel to these locations for a personal rock climbing adventure. The DVD can be a bit hard to find. Search for it by name on any search engine and you should be able to find it. Expect to pay roughly $20 for this mouth watering movie.

3. Build Your Own Indoor climbing Wall � You have to be very careful when giving this gift. This book gives step by step instructions on how to build an indoor climbing wall. This, of course, requires one to have a space in which to build said climbing wall. Basements and garages are typical locations, much to the chagrin of spouses. Personally, I wouldn't put my name on the "from" section of the gift card. You can expect to pay $10 or so for this evil little book.

4. climbing Holds � climbing holds are plaster molds that are put on a climbing wall. They come in all kinds of vicious shapes, which are perfect for bending fingers in truly unnatural positions. If you know someone who has built a climbing wall in their garage or house, this is a perfect gift. Since each climbing hold is more or less unique, just pick the ones that grab your fancy. They come in a wide range of prices, so it is often best to shop by what you can afford. Helpful Tip: Look closely at the holds. If you can't imagine how a hand would possible hold onto a particular hold, that is the one to buy!

5. Nomad rock climbing Journals - A little self-promotion. Nomad rock climbing Journals are great gifts for rock climbers. These writing journals allow climbers to keep track of their climbs, impressions, people the climbed with, routes and any additional information they feel necessary. Over time, the climbing journals become a history of climbs and a great keepsake. A great christmas gift, you can see the rock climbing journals by clicking the link in the byline of this article and expect to pay $25 for the journal with case.

As you know, there is simply no way to keep a climber from climbing. You might as well give in and give them a christmas climbing gift.

Rick Chapo is with Nomad Writing Journals - makers of rock climbing journals. Great christmas gifts for him or christmas gifts for her.

Article Source: Rock Climbing – Christmas Gift Ideas

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Online Gift Cards ,Yes, A Gift Card Is A Great Present ,Store Closings and Gift Cards ذكرى قسم الشبكات والبرمجة 0 03-24-2009 02:21 PM

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