عرض مشاركة واحدة
قديم منذ /07-05-2012, 03:52 PM   #1

محبوب vib

الصورة الرمزية ذكرى

ذكرى غير متواجد حالياً

 رقم العضوية : 9524
 تاريخ التسجيل : 23 - 9 - 2008
 المشاركات : 7,394
 الحكمة المفضلة : United States
 SMS :


افتراضي مساعدة تقرير الهايجاك + البرامج المثبته

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

تقرير الهايجاك ::

acoustica mixcraft 5
adobe air
adobe air
adobe download assistant
adobe download assistant
adobe flash player 11 activex
adobe photoshop cs
adobe reader x - arabic
apple application support
apple mobile device support
apple software update
ashampoo burning studio 6 free v.6.80
audio edit magic v7.6.0.73
babylon toolbar on ie
bing bar
cyberlink youcam
cyberlink youcam
dvd architect pro 5.2
easy gif animator 5.3
formatfactory 2.70
gif movie gear 4.2.3
goldwave v5.58
gom player
hijackthis 2.0.2
hp on screen display
hp quick launch
idt audio
intel(r) graphics media accelerator driver
****(tm) 6 update 29
jlc's internet tv
junk mail filter update
karaoke cd+g creator
k-lite mega codec pack 6.9.0
magic karaoke maker
mcafee security scan plus
mcfunsoft audio studio v7.4.1.10
mesh runtime
messenger companion
messenger plus! Live
microsoft office access mui (arabic) 2010
microsoft office excel mui (arabic) 2010
microsoft office groove mui (arabic) 2010
microsoft office infopath mui (arabic) 2010
microsoft office onenote mui (arabic) 2010
microsoft office outlook connector
microsoft office outlook mui (arabic) 2010
microsoft office powerpoint mui (arabic) 2010
microsoft office professional plus 2010
microsoft office professional plus 2010
microsoft office proof (arabic) 2010
microsoft office proof (english) 2010
microsoft office proof (french) 2010
microsoft office proofing (arabic) 2010
microsoft office publisher mui (arabic) 2010
microsoft office shared mui (arabic) 2010
microsoft office word mui (arabic) 2010
microsoft search enhancement pack
microsoft silverlight
microsoft sql server 2005 compact edition [enu]
microsoft visual c++ 2005 redistributable
microsoft visual c++ 2010 x86 redistributable - 10.0.40219
mp3 splitter & joiner 3.50
msvcrt redists
msvcrt redists
power cd+g to video karaoke converter
power karaoke toolbar
power mp3 cutter(mp3 sound cutter) 1.40
ralink motorola bc8 bluetooth 3.0+hs adapter
realnetworks - microsoft visual c++ 2008 runtime
realupgrade 1.1
synaptics pointing device driver
vegas pro 11.0
video edit magic 4.14
vlc media player 1.1.11
who's closing my convo 1.0
wikikou messenger cleaner
windows live communications platform
windows live essentials
windows live essentials
windows live family safety
windows live family safety
windows live id sign-in assistant
windows live installer
windows live mail
windows live mesh
windows live mesh
windows live messenger
windows live messenger
windows live messenger companion core
windows live mime ifilter
windows live movie maker
windows live movie maker
windows live photo common
windows live photo common
windows live photo gallery
windows live pimt platform
windows live remote client
windows live remote client resources
windows live remote service
windows live remote service resources
windows live soxe
windows live soxe definitions
windows live ux platform
windows live ux platform language pack
windows live writer
windows live writer
windows live writer
windows live writer resources
your uninstaller! 7
youwave for android
بريد windows live
عنصر تحكم activex الخاص بـ windows live mesh للاتصالات البعيدة
معرض صور windows live

قائمه البرامج المثبته::

acoustica mixcraft 5
adobe air
adobe air
adobe download assistant
adobe download assistant
adobe flash player 11 activex
adobe photoshop cs
adobe reader x - arabic
apple application support
apple mobile device support
apple software update
ashampoo burning studio 6 free v.6.80
audio edit magic v7.6.0.73
babylon toolbar on ie
bing bar
cyberlink youcam
cyberlink youcam
dvd architect pro 5.2
easy gif animator 5.3
formatfactory 2.70
gif movie gear 4.2.3
goldwave v5.58
gom player
hijackthis 2.0.2
hp on screen display
hp quick launch
idt audio
intel(r) graphics media accelerator driver
****(tm) 6 update 29
jlc's internet tv
junk mail filter update
karaoke cd+g creator
k-lite mega codec pack 6.9.0
magic karaoke maker
mcafee security scan plus
mcfunsoft audio studio v7.4.1.10
mesh runtime
messenger companion
messenger plus! Live
microsoft office access mui (arabic) 2010
microsoft office excel mui (arabic) 2010
microsoft office groove mui (arabic) 2010
microsoft office infopath mui (arabic) 2010
microsoft office onenote mui (arabic) 2010
microsoft office outlook connector
microsoft office outlook mui (arabic) 2010
microsoft office powerpoint mui (arabic) 2010
microsoft office professional plus 2010
microsoft office professional plus 2010
microsoft office proof (arabic) 2010
microsoft office proof (english) 2010
microsoft office proof (french) 2010
microsoft office proofing (arabic) 2010
microsoft office publisher mui (arabic) 2010
microsoft office shared mui (arabic) 2010
microsoft office word mui (arabic) 2010
microsoft search enhancement pack
microsoft silverlight
microsoft sql server 2005 compact edition [enu]
microsoft visual c++ 2005 redistributable
microsoft visual c++ 2010 x86 redistributable - 10.0.40219
mp3 splitter & joiner 3.50
msvcrt redists
msvcrt redists
power cd+g to video karaoke converter
power karaoke toolbar
power mp3 cutter(mp3 sound cutter) 1.40
ralink motorola bc8 bluetooth 3.0+hs adapter
realnetworks - microsoft visual c++ 2008 runtime
realupgrade 1.1
synaptics pointing device driver
vegas pro 11.0
video edit magic 4.14
vlc media player 1.1.11
who's closing my convo 1.0
wikikou messenger cleaner
windows live communications platform
windows live essentials
windows live essentials
windows live family safety
windows live family safety
windows live id sign-in assistant
windows live installer
windows live mail
windows live mesh
windows live mesh
windows live messenger
windows live messenger
windows live messenger companion core
windows live mime ifilter
windows live movie maker
windows live movie maker
windows live photo common
windows live photo common
windows live photo gallery
windows live pimt platform
windows live remote client
windows live remote client resources
windows live remote service
windows live remote service resources
windows live soxe
windows live soxe definitions
windows live ux platform
windows live ux platform language pack
windows live writer
windows live writer
windows live writer
windows live writer resources
your uninstaller! 7
youwave for android
بريد windows live
عنصر تحكم activex الخاص بـ windows live mesh للاتصالات البعيدة
معرض صور windows live

ومشكووور مقدماا

الموضوع الأصلي: مساعدة تقرير الهايجاك + البرامج المثبته || الكاتب: ذكرى || المصدر: منتديات

شمس الحب

تستطيع المشاركة هنا والرد على الموضوع ومشاركة رأيك عبر حسابك في الفيس بوك

lshu]m jrvdv hgihd[h; + hgfvhl[ hglefji

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